[center] [h1]Played by Sypherkhode822[/h1] [b][/b] Katerina Wythburn [b][/b] Kat [b][/b] Lady [b][/b] 27 [b][/b] BoD [b][/b] [s]all of them[/s] 17 [b][/b] 5' 10" [b][/b] 130 [b][/b] An attractive dark skinned woman with short hair cut in an A-Line bob, Kat has tattoos of stylistic blue dragons running up and down her arms, with another tattoo of a sunflower transforming into a nuclear explosion on her back. She is physically fit, with a well toned body and callused hands. She has scars all over her body. Her left eye is a brilliant blue, compared to her natural brown, the most noticeable cybernetic enhancement. The tips of her fingers can dilate to open up in pinprick holes. Kat wears a tan trenchcoat over her DoP armor, which is horribly scarred and damaged. She carries more weaponry than a BoD agent should or a gang member could afford. Most of it is hidden from view, though its always within easy reach for her. [url]http://cache28.fansshare.com/photograph/hairstylesforwomen/black-bob-short-hairstyles-for-black-women-73554716.jpg[/url] for facial features Her armor is a scarred up version of this [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6a/5a/39/6a5a396979ad656fc233b966b9cb5248.jpg[/url] and she doesn't wear a helmet. Her left eye has the digital overlay thing going on, akin to this [url]http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388187650l/493456.jpg[/url] [b][/b] Kat has always been motivated to help others, which has often put her at odds with the establishment, especially since she doesn't care much for the other BoDs. She's been on the beat long enough to know that her actions won't turn around this city single handily, and has become rather paranoid concerning her personal safety, a few of the death threats she's received have been acted on. Despite this, Kat believes the best in people, and thinks that if she only inspires a few others to become better people, she will have lived a life well spent. She has a good sense of humor, and when she isn't on duty, she's a good person to be around. [b][/b] Born and raised in the 4th district by her lawyer mother and surgeon father, Kat was raised in a life of privilege. However, Kat has always been aware of the poverty and desperate conditions most of the city lives in, because her mother would often moonlight for pro bono cases with people in the 17th district. As Kat became older, she decided that she wanted to pursue a career that would be able to help the people in the Beta districts. Idealistically thinking of the BoDs as a white knight order that works to stop the filth of the city from taking over, Kat became top of her class in the training school, and requested upon graduation to be sent to one of the most crime ridden districts in the city. Thinking that she would come around to their thinking sooner or later, her superiors decided to indulge her, and sent her to district 17. When she was scorned by the police department, who thought her as a rich kid slumming it in the Beta district for a while, before growing bored and returning to her idle life, Kat began to bust street gangs on her own, eventually renting out an apartment in the District, as she spent so much time there anyways. Kat is viewed by most of the people who know her as something of an oddity, a lost soul trying to keep the ancient traditions of chivalry and Bushido alive in the morally depraved city. Looked at with scorn by her other BoD peers for actually doing the job they're supposed to do, confused pity by her old friends, who think she's crazy to want to spend time in the Beta districts, complete hatred by the gangs she fights daily, grudging respect tempered by dislike by the police department whom she is supposed to work with, Kat hasn't made many friends in high places recently. She's not doing it for them, though. [b][/b] Kat has several, incredibly expensive and well done cybernetic implants, all done by her father. The first is the cybernetic eye, which can filter light through nearly all wavelengths, as well as thermal visioning. Both of her eyes can see in much greater detail than an ordinary human. Her ears can hear a much wider spectrum than most humans, being able to hear ultrasonic and infrasonic sound waves. Her reflexes have been altered, so she can now catch a fly in midair if she so desires. All of these abilities she is able to filter on and off, to differing degrees. Her bones have been reinforced with titanium, and her skull is now as strong as a 21st century motorcycle helmet, she's not catching any bullets with it, but if she headbutts something, it'll break before her. She also carries a nano-colony controlled only by her, instructions to the colony are encoded so that they are only accepted by a special neurochemical only Kat can produce. The nano-colony performs constant medical maintenance on Kat, keeping her in peak physical condition and allowing her to recover faster from wounds than normal. She has pinprick openings in her fingers, so she can let the nanobots out of her body and into the outside. Nanobots outside of Kat will perform a similar task, repairing wounds and healing bodies, often not her own. The nanobots also neutralize harmful toxins, so Kat has to drink a lot of alcohol to feel even the slightest buzz. [/center]