Elizabeth Breeyon None Female 23 Hitman 16 5' 11" 129 lbs. [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/35/r169_457x257_7445_Kaa_2d_sci_fi_portrait_female_girl_woman_cyborg_cyberpunk_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] A lot of people can be described as predatory, but... it just rings true with Elizabeth. She's lean, well muscled, but feminine all the same. Almost like a panther. Always has a wary look in those teal eyes, and with her elegant jawline... it's hard not to see the hunter in her. But damn can she play a poor chap's heartstrings. Hard not to call her seducing, and those full lips... fool doesn't know what he's getting into. She knows how to use her looks to get what she wants. Doesn't matter if they are some narcissistic Alpha, he's still her play toy, tats and all. Even though she's got multiple. Yeah, there are the obvious ones, like the lines on her right cheek and the triangle one on her chin, but those aren't her favorites. No, she likes the one on her back, a tribal scorpion. Thing is huge, its tail starting at the top of her hip on the right side and running into the body set dead in her back, the pincers at her shoulders. It's... unsettling, to say the least. Cynical, sarcastic, devious... Elizabeth is a real... joy... to deal with. She never sincerely smiles, most of the time faking it to put you off, and she always has that neck tilt, like she's... trying to size you up. You can see it in her eyes, like you're prey. She's sadistic too, though whether it's a result of her work or vice versa is hard to say, and you can tell she isn't much for liking people. Thinks everyone's out to get her. She mostly sits back and lets the world screw itself up around her. Only became a hitman for the money. Doesn't care a lick about the politics behind it or the morality. As long as it pays good. Twenty-four years ago, a young drug addict by the name of Jonathan Breeyon had the misfortune of meeting an unknown woman on the streets. Tall, slender, elegant, and about his age, she was a magnet for the kid on high, and within a few short hours, she was leaving his hovel as content as any lion after its meal. But, unlike every other successful hunt, this one had after effects, and in a short time, the seducer realized she'd made an error. And she needed to get rid of it. Fast. Surgery was too expensive. None of the clinics would take her. So in nine months time, her little daughter was born. And she couldn't bring herself to kill it. Instead, she took it to the father, and with a little reward, stuck the baby with her addict dad. That's how she got the name, Breeyon. And Jonathan decides to keep the name of the mother. Elizabeth. The lessons of a parent on narcotics are of a strange variety, and as the young girl aged through her toddler and early preteen years, she found that the world was a place of advantage and sin. It wasn't that her father ever beat on her. Despite the influence of drugs, he cherished the little girl, and gave her all the love he could afford. But as she watched Jonathan poison himself day by day, wasting his money on pleasure over food, it had an impact. When her old man died at the ripe old age of thirty-three, sixteen year old Elizabeth didn't have many choices for how she was going to make it in the world alone. It was either join a gang, become a prostitute, or work a low paying job to go nowhere. Unless, you had the willpower or connections to contracts. Elizabeth was not going to become her mother. Three days after Jonathan's death, the little vixen had contacted a hitman with what she described as simply a job. Had he known that job was to take on an apprentice, he would've hung up the phone. Instead, he arrived and was impressed my the girl's treachery, and took her in. The next two years saw the young girl turned into a lethal woman, her enthrallment with her occupation enough that she picked up skills quickly. First came her talents in manipulation. Learning to heighten or lower her voice, control her language, accent, gaint, demeanor... talents that actors wished for. Next was her own physical prowess, a skill she tailored to her own form, making her agile, fast, and skilled at hand to hand combat. Then the teacher was done, and Elizabeth was on her own. But there was one final lesson she learned, a skill that was both ironic and unique, making her a go to for inconspicuous kills. To create and synthesize various narcotics, then apply them in a multitude of ways. A talent which made her truly deadly. The drugs employed by Elizabeth are many, each serving their purpose in various ways. Scopolamine: Also known as Devil's Breath, this little beauty is made from a tree that grows abundantly in Colombia, where the local criminal element made it infamous with their constant use of the substance. Odorless, colorless, and tastless, it takes a minor amount inhaled, consumed, injected, or exposed to breaks in the skin for the most basic effects to begin. And it only takes a few minutes from first exposure, before the victim enters what is best described as a zombie-like state; coherent but with no free will. And it gets worse. Not only is the subject easy to command, with Colombian cases expanding from victims helping robbers steal their valuables to even donating organs, but afterwards there is no recollection of the events, the drug stopping memories from forming for nearly 24 hours. Those under the influence of Devil's Breath also experience powerful hallucinations, with increased dosages resulting in a state of unconciousness and, in high amounts, death due to respiratory failure. In the hands of a skilled hitman, Devil's Breath earns its dubbing by some as the scariest drug out there. It can be blown into someone's face, slipped in their drink, injected into their skin, or dispersed in the very air they breath. But what makes it most powerful is the massive quantity of applications. Interrogations, robberies, framings, attacks, coverups... all made ten times easier thanks to a little tree. Hand of the Devil: Often sold on the streets and in dark corners for aspiring athletes and underhanded brawlers, the drug is likely one of the most dangerous on the market, for both consumers and anything around them. The steroid, requiring direct injection into the body, stimulates the body to levels beyond what man should achieve, but seems to induce a level of rage and unreasoning that makes it earn the name. That is, if you make it past the first few minutes. This is a drug that only the best of the best can even think to use, with top physical conditioning required. Otherwise, you face cardiac arrest, a fate 90% of users meet head on. Again, Elizabeth enjoys her interactions with the Devil's toys, with this one usually saved for the weak bodied or those requiring high profile deaths. It is truly a hitman's best friend. Inject it quietly and in the victim's sleep, and they die by a drug that will make investigators right them off as just another casualty of ambition. But the best are when they are awake and healthy, with wild chases testing her own skills as she leads them straight into the law and a complete massacre. Hydrogen Cyanide: Probably the most lethal poison in the world, hydrogen cyanide is a liquid that boils at just above room temperature, making both liquid and gaseous use a possibility when applied in the field. Targeting the ETC in the cells' mitochondria, it completely shuts down ATP production, affecting the nervous system and heart most as they are forced to shut down. The speed that this takes varies. As a gas, about three hundred milligrams per cubic meter is all it takes to kill anyone exposed to the space in ten to sixty minutes. And at three thousand five hundred of the same unit of measurement, it takes less than a minute. In it's liquid form, its even more dangerous, taking small amounts of space to deliver a punch powerful enough to end the largest of animals. A syringe of this colorless, water-filled substance, and it's the end. Even despite its lack of distributors, forcing Elizabeth to construct her own lab, the hitman has found Hydrogen Cyanide to be worth the effort. In a drink, the poison goes straight to the stomach, boiling on its way until every milligram is distributed across the body in a blanket if death. With a syringe, it's even faster. But what makes it amazing for someone like Elizabeth is the prospect of slipping it into a building's filtration system, ending hundreds of lives within hours. 2,4-Dinitrophenol: Simply referred to as DNP, the drug can actually be found over the counter in pills made for weight loss, often attracting body builders or big people wanting slim bodies. The problem is, most that by it don't quite realize what they are getting into, either loving the results or dying before they get them. The reason why is actually pretty scary. The reaction of the drug with the body results in the mitochondria reducing energy production efficiency, instead turning all that chemical work it's done into waste heat. The result is a massive increase in body temperature, and eventual death by hyperthermia. Unless, of course, you have a ton of fat to burn. Literally. What Elizabeth loves most about DNP is the fact that all it takes is a hammer and bag to alter it to a nice, yellow powder, which can be slipped into food or drink and given to an unsuspecting target. Once ingested, it's almost cruel, the effects literally cooking the victim from the inside until they die from the excess heat.