It'll come back eventually, I hope. Since I'm Co-GM, I could just take over... Kidding of course, considering I have no idea how far ahead Tek has planned in terms of plot. I'd imagine he doesn't plan much too far though, mostly because any decision that our characters make can drastically change the course of everything. That's kind of the crux of Forum RPs, and I think it's why less and less people want to make them. You have to plan a lot, and at the same time, very little. It's part of the reason I haven't made an RP in a long while. Open-ended RPs probably benefit a lot from this. The ending is kind of made by the RPers rather than the GM, which makes it feel a little more special. By open-ended I mean, "your thrust into a world of fantasy and magic. Here are the different empires, kingdoms, and how they interact with each other. Here's also a basic plot to get it all kick-started, and we can take it from there." Sadly, it's the RPs with limitless potential that die out the quickest. I'm fairly sure I've only ever completed 3 out of the 30+ RPs I've ever been in. A success rate of 10% is kind of saddening, but it's just how role players are these days. They don't commit half as much as they used to. I feel like this is what's going to kill forum role playing. I e-mailed Fray, and as it turns out, she's done with the site, (if it wasn't obvious already) so can we please move on? Please? I'm begging you Tek!