Warmund, seeing that two had already broken off from the group, bowed his head and uttered a prayer of his Temple beneath his breath as he walked away from the others “Ut Imperator vigilaret super nos omnia, and his light guide us”. A group like that would grant attention, whether positive or negative, it wasn't to Warmunds liking at all. Now that the Arbitrator had disappeared from sight and Holland was but one in a bustling crowd, Warmund tapped his ear lightly and felt the welcoming warm buzz of his earpiece turning on. Speaking to the separated team, Warmund's voice wakened an attention as he spoke low and quiet. [color=fdc68a][i]“"Brothers, Sisters – do not stray to far. This is unknown territory and we are among strangers, be they innocent or guilty, fit for our justice or not, we must stay wary. Alexander, speak and tell us where you are?"”[/i][/color] Warmund fell silent waiting for a reply, meanwhile he walked over to the square, taking in the surroundings and silently observing the people around him. From this point he once again looks for a viable place to camp up to support his team, moving his collar up and rolled his finger over his radiation scar.Warmunds index finger pushed down hard into the darkened flesh, prompting a small stream of blood to roll forth from the open wound. The crimson flow was trapped against the barrier of his dark haired eyebrow, taking his hand vox in his left hand Warmund placed his right hand upon his now red scar and brought the blood down on the gadget – a sacrifice to its spirit. The radiation scar being slightly mutated and warped, the flesh soon healed in a matter of moments and its pigment returned to its grey brown. Warmund had taken to this ritual at least once a day, when blood could be spared, his forge world habits never really leaving him no matter where he ventured. [i][color=fdc68a]"“Spread out, do not attract the eye of our enemy."[/color][/i]” he spoke again. Warmund pushed his snub into his hidden holster with a grunt, made sure his two blades on his back were hidden and walked in the general direction that the lone Arbitrator had taken, tracking if he must to find his comrade.