Rask finished off the last dregs of the piss that the landlord called ale and slammed the glass down hard. However from the noise of all the other patrons, only those sitting directly next to him looked round. A quick lean back and a look out the window told Rask that it was gone midday now, and that meant anybody showing up, would be here by now. Standing up Rask stretched out his legs and arms, which had gone numb from so long spent at the same stool. Walking over to the small wooden plinth he nodded at Grin and the barmen immediately halted his work. Rask stretched to his peak height and slammed his foot down on the floor twice to grab people's attention. His strength practically cracked the floor and the sound resounded off of the wooden walls heavily. Everyone went silent and turned to look at the man who had disturbed their daytime drinking. Reaching into his back pocket Rask pulled out one his flyers and held it aloft as he spoke, making sure his voice was heard all throughout the room. "I am Rask. Some of you are here because I called for it. You came under the promise of work, money and glory. However you also know you risk your life and that we may find nothing at all. THis is the life I can promise, along with a good meal in your belly at night. Anybody here to sign on should follow me now, we have the basement to ourselves for now and that is where you can interview. I wont just take on any Tom, Dick and Harry who has a knife. But I also don't expect blademasters, so don't worry too much."With that Rask stepped down heavily from the raised wood and walked towards the open hatch which now glowed slightly as one of the serving girls had been down earlier, on his command, to light the alcoves. Descending the steps Rask grimaced as the full smell of blood hit his nose, even living as a fighter you never got used to the blood, you just learnt to live with it. With one hand, Rask pulled two of the tables together and parked at the head of the table, gesturing for the people who followed him to sit down as well. At the same time he pulled out the dirty coin and put it in front of him. The coin was strange in shape, having very blunt serrations carved into the edge as well as a square hole in the centre. The coin was embossed with floral patterns but, strangest of all, beneath the grime the coin shone of what was clearly pure gold. Whilst current currencies were called 'gold' in actual fact they were all certainly gold leaf and some cheap metal. This coin was solid gold, and had a history that Rask would need to look into. Whilst people were still coming down Rask spoke to them. "Introduce yourselves now, I will learn names but only of those who interest me. Also, I hope you all brought your weapons, there is definately tests."