[u][h3]FIRST ARC! Aurora Sonata![/h3][/u] Meteor City and politicians? Nope, Kyō is from a family of one, yes but due to certain circumstances, she is without her family. Her origins are from York New City. The frowning of Kyō slowly defrosts as Staz enlightens her, as weird as it is, how could kids in their generation be excited about a book? Her intense gloomy sulking expression changed to a cheerful one as she's weirdly attracted to the book. She took the book while walking.The wind however blew the pages for her and it turned into the random page. Just before she could read it, she took bite out of the pizza with her mouth full from Staz's clutches, pizza crust no longer in his hand! IT WAS FLASH. Kyō munches her food with all her heart, her cheerful feeling brightens up the atmosphere and her eyes alone is enough to say thank you. After that, the page caught her eyes, "It was a woman in a bikini and she's icy." Kyō pokes Eustace and pointed at the well endowed figure of the young lady. [color=ed1c24]"IT'S R****TSU********IBSKLGKJSG'VE SEEN HER BEFORJEFSJEKJSGJNNSNSNSGSGK SHE'S AUQWHWKWKJKWESOMMMEEE." [/color]Who could understand what she's saying? She's talking with her mouthful. Indeed Kyō have a thing for weird things but girls? Who knew? On the contrary, she doesn't but her gestures and mannerisms were implying the wrong thing to most people in the docks, [i]a weird girl[/i]. Finishing her food, she asks where are they and where are they headed? Suddenly a stranger approaches Eustace and Kyō. He is tall, snarky, with the eyes of distrust like a snake, and looks like he is up to no good. [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/durarara/images/c/ce/Izaya_apparence.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130407155058&path-prefix=fr]The man[/url] barges in their conversation.[color=39b54a] "Oh my, it's Aurora Sonata, kiddos. She's one of the best Hunters out there, I'm surprise she even got an art of herself. Looks like your girlfriend is a big fan of her, lad."[/color] Looking at them up close.[color=00a651] "She's here too."[/color] [u][i][b]What is his motive?[/b][/i][/u] Kyo's eyes widened and sparkle, [color=ed1c24]"Handsome Man, please take us to her!"[/color] Kyo rushes without thought, she have always wanted to meet this Aurora Sonata lady in person.