[center] [h1]Played by Archangel89[/h1] [b]Name:[/b] Alexander Romanov Krei [b]Nickname:[/b] The Roman [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Occupation:[/b] Private Eye (located in Zone Beta but takes cases from Alpha as well) [b]District:[/b] Current office is located in the center of downtown 16 [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" [b]Weight:[/b] 220 lbs. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/6/63590/1469973-image_deus_ex_human_revolution_12941_2038_0001.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Alex a great deal of his early adult life as an officer of the law and as such has seen a great deal during what seems like the long stretch of his short life. The life as a cop has hardened him to the point where he lives and breathes for the few cases he deems interesting enough to take on and because of this outlook comes across as callous and cold hearted to everyday problems. Alex seems to have an extreme hatred towards gang related violence and an even greater hatred for crimes against women. On the subject of women, Alex himself is a terrible womanizer which most likely stems from his alcoholism. Because of an incident many years prior Alex is left with a good portion of his body as prosthetics and as such suffers with the known side-effects. [b]Backstory:[/b] Alex "The Roman" Krei came from rather humble beginnings in a world that has become increasingly dismal. Born to a single mother in one of the worse parts of District 16 Krei was born as the personification of the "white knight" personality standing up to bullies and standing up to organized crime (when his life wasn't on the line of course). At the age of eighteen Alex took on the noble job of a New Ancoran Police Officer ready and willing to eliminate all crime within the Beta Zone. By his mid-twenties still held firm to his attitude and his personal creed, and it seemed like it could possibly come true within his life time as crime rates within his District were significantly decreasing. With the increase in pay Alex was able to move his mother out of his childhood home and into a nicer apartment in District 12. Fate it seems, had a crueler plan in mind for Alex. While he was working a high end drug trafficking case where pushers were starting to move more and more Lucid Alex made the bust that would end up starting a massive downward spiral of his life. After he brought down a pusher that could only be identified as "Grey" the higher-end bosses finally began taking notice of the upstart cop pushing in on their territory. It started subtlety at first; punctured tires, muggings on the transit home, threatening calls and the like. Alex gave these things little attention as he continued his personal war against these drug lords and those under them. By the time he turned thirty-three the final hammer fell for Alex. One night while he was off duty Alex went to see his mother for one of their weekly dinners when he noticed that everything was wrong. The lights were off, the door was kicked open, the smell of burnt food was wafting from the door. Drawing his gun Alex could feel the knot tightening in his chest as he searched the house for any sign of what might have happened in his mothers home. As he rounded the corner of his mother's bedroom what he came face to face with was nothing more than the single worst thing in his life. There lay his mother; broken, beaten, shot, stabbed and a thousand other things that he didn't even want to think about at that moment in life. After saying a prayer and calling the coroner to come remove the body Alex quit the Force in lieu of getting his own personal revenge knowing full well that he would be treated like a criminal himself. It took years of hunting under the name of "The Roman" crawling through every crack house, and bringing down every pusher that he could find until one of them finally four words. [b]"Alpha. They're in Alpha."[/b] Taking a moment to weigh his options Roman called in a few of his contacts at the Department The Roman was able to secure one pass to Zone Alpha for one day only, a pass that he would never get to use. As he prepared to bring war into the Alpha Zone he was met with several men in suits ambushed him and began beating him mercilessly. It was then that the big boss showed himself only calling himself "The Scorpion". The beating lasted hours leaving Alex little more than a bloody pulp; rib cage practically dust, arms shattered, both eyes ruptured to the point that he would never be able to use them again and still Alex stood up and continued walking. For an hour and a half he walked the streets of 17 unable to call out for help until he finally passed out near a main road. When he woke up again, he was in a hospital in the Alpha Zone and he could see again. Both of his arms were replaced, his ribcage was solid metal, and his eyes had been replaced with cybernetic counterparts. Despite all things he was alive and able to live another day, when he asked the nurses about how he got there all they would say is that a man came by while he was unconscious and left him a card. The card read: [b]Know your place...next time I won't be generous."[/b] Beneath the message was an ornate image of a scorpion. Now feeling the full weight of the message Alex returned a beaten and broken man to 16 where he made a name for himself as a private eye where he continues to lick his wounds from his beating. And every day since has been a living hell. [/center]