[i]Welcome you beautiful people! This is Nick Weston on the Shine Academy Student Radio! The time is 3:45pm on a Saturday, and the sun is shining beautifully! I might just have to grab some bright orange bubblegum for to match the blazing sun this afternoon! I'll tell ya, I cant stop looking at [b]Amaya Tsukino[/b] today I just wish I was old enough to get into CLUB LUSH! Meanwhile more love letters to Professor [b]Shou Matsuoka[/b] are floating around the lost and found, someone return them to the girl's locker room where they belong! Tell you what I'm just happy the beautiful [b]Rosanna Reyes[/b] hasn't enrolled here, the competetion is wayyy to stiff for a dork like me... see you all at Club Lancom Arcade when it opens tomorrow folks I gotta get back to class.....Oh I almost forgot its time for [b]Weston's Suggestions[/b] I suggest if your want to go on a date today take a lovely lady to see Milky Hearts 2 starring the beautiful [hider=Aoi Iwata] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140405190658/cardfight/images/0/03/Japanese_anime_girl_umbrella-wide.jpg[/img] [/hider] and what a stunning actress she is in the must-watch sequel to the original romantic comedy! Any lovely ladies wanna go with me? Later!! [/i]