[quote=@KabenSaal] Titan works. Since the thing that finally brought him down was Gaia, Titan of Life, and it wasn't exactly easy for her. [/quote] Cosmic tier entities would be beings a step up the evolutionary chain from even Titans, and would include beings such as Death, Entropy and Time who could unravel the very nature of reality with a thought. At this point I really don't hope the team run into anything that powerful, 'cos I have no idea how to play as an opponent who could just wish you out of existence with a stray thought. [quote=@KabenSaal] Also, I forgot how the stats thing works. Do we get trait/skill points and stat points, or just stats for all three? [/quote] You just get skill points which can be spent in the following ways: [list][*]1 Skill point may be spent to increase [color=red]Attack[/color] by 1 point [*]1 Skill point may be spent to increase [color=00aeef]Defence[/color] by 1 point [*]1 Skill point may be spent to increase [color=LimeGreen]Health[/color] by 5 points [*]2 Skill point may be spent to increase purchase a new Ability or Trait [*]2 Skill point may be spent to reduce the [color=yellow]Energy[/color] cost of an Ability by 1 point, to a minimum of 1 [*]2 Skill point may be spent to increase the duration of an Ability or Trait's status effect by 1 turn [*]1 Skill point may be spent to adapt a piece of found gear into a permanent Trait[/list][indent][indent][sub][i][color=yellow]Maximum Energy[/color] and [color=yellow]Energy Regeneration[/color] may not be increased using Skill Points, but may be affected by [i]Abilities[/i] or [i]Traits[/i].[/i][/sub][/indent][/indent] I'm also open to negotiations for exactly what skills you'd like to give your character, or what extra advantages you'd like to add to existing skills. Feel free to PM me with any ideas. Please don't just add new powers to your character profiles though, I'd need to confirm if they're acceptable before awarding them since anything too overpowered wouldn't be allowed.