Darlene was sitting in the left corner near the window in the third seat when the new teacher walked in, She listened to him ramble on while she tapped her pen on the side of her desk. She grabbed a sheet of paper from her binder and wrote he name down, she stared at the paper for quite sometime forgetting the questions he wanted them to write already. She sighed to herself and just stared until she remembered him talking about colors [color=Turquoise]" My Favorite colooor~ Turquoise"[/color] She said to herself while writing it down [color=Turquoise] "Oh~ did he mean favorite color? Better put Red"[/color] She scribbled out her previous color and wrote down red instead, she also scribbled out her name since that was dumb, continuing on she thought about her plans for college, did she have any? She never really thought about it much, her parents are photographers and her brother wants to be an astronaut. She always thought about Business or maybe Human services, she wrote down both since she was unsure. Once she finished high school she'd stay at home and work till she got her car then, she'd apply for college and go off in the spring. Finally remembering the last question she thought about what she could improve on, What exactly could she improve on? [color=Turquoise]" What can I improve onn~ What can I improoove onn~~~?"[/color] She tapped her temple with the pen before finally writing. [color=Turquoise]"I'd like to improve finding a way to have teachers create a got damn planner for homework, honestly one teacher assigns work not [b]ALL[/b] and picks a day or two depending on the assignment, and once almost all students turn it in then the next teacher could do the same. Wouldn't just make my life easier but also the stereotypical genius Asians too, Thank you~"[/color] She placed her pen onto the desk and read over her paper to make sure things were right, her semi-neat handwriting with the occasional hearts and diamonds on her letters look okay. She folded her paper and pushed it to the side, not really caring if people were done or not she pulled out her phone and earbuds listening to her music. She looked around and saw a girl with purple hair and thought it looked nice on her, she leaned on her desk and waved her hand at the girl to get her attention [color=Turquoise] " Excuse mee~ [b]PSST~[/b] pretty girl with the purple hair~ I like the color on you ... looks nice"[/color] She smiled slightly before sitting back into her desk normally.[@Narcotic Dollie]