The knight replied back to him, he seemed slightly groggy. Like waking up after a good nights sleep. The woman in his arms quickly clambered out and dropped to the ground she didn't look so good. The Gentlemen inside him told him to help her, after all she had experienced today she would certainly need help getting home. "I'll make sure that woman get's home safe Knight man? You got a alias or name? You can call me Blink." After the Knight replied he quickly teleporting in front of her he stopped her before she could move any further. "Listen I can understand if you don't want any help for people like us. You seem like the kind of person who doesn't like to be a bother. But how could I ever call myself a man or a hero if I didn't make sure you got home safe before. I'm a teleporter you see so I can have you at your door faster then you can blink. Though the act of teleporting can seem a little weird you shouldn't feel bad at all." Fletcher offered his hand to the woman smiling sincerely. [@c3p-0h][@TheWizardLizard]