Kellie had arrived a few minutes early to the English Lit classroom, looking perfectly casual with a button down light blue denim shirt, dark blue jean shorts, and matching red flats and tote bag, and leaving a trail of Flowerbomb perfume behind her. It was a habit of hers to arrive to classrooms early, which was always the best way to make sure she got the best seat: the first chair of the middle row of the classroom. She barely paid notice to her classmates, which mostly sat at the back of the classroom. Those were the ones to stay away from: the disruptive slackers who didn't really put much effort into their classes like she did. Call her conceited, but nothing mattered most to Kellie than good grades. That, and no boys, would be the ticket to a successful future without any unnecessary distractions. If there was something she wouldn't repeat, it was her parents' fate of becoming teen parents just after their high school graduation. She had just enough time to neatly set her things on her desk (bright pink spiral notebook and a pen) when the teacher walked in. Kellie sat up straight and paid attention, completely in 'student mode'. As he began his introduction she quickly noticed he was new here, as it was the first time she had ever seen him around. His name was Mr. Buckner, and his first impression with Kellie was that he seemed to be pretty cool as long as you didn't get on his bad side, which she obviously didn't plan to. Mr. Buckner announced that he would start their first class with an icebreaker, and Kellie rolled her eyes in annoyance at the groan of most of her classmates. [i]God, what is the big deal? It's just an icebreaker, not some homework, or worse... A group project.[/i] Kellie Anne despised group projects, as she was always the only one who did all the actual work while the others tended to slack off. She had to admit, sometimes it was only that way because of her perfectionism of doing everything exactly right, but what better way to get things done the right way than to do it oneself? Kellie ripped a page out of her spiral notebook and placed it on top of her desk.[i]Okay, so write down a color of the ones he mentioned... Since mint green wouldn't really be the right answer, I'll just write the next best thing.[/i] [color=a2d39c]'Green'[/color], Kellie wrote in her signature neat, curly handwriting. [i]Plans for college...[/i] [color=a2d39c]'Start and finish my studies in Microbiology to eventually work as a research scientist.'[/color] Though her favorite class was Creative Writing because it gave her a chance to make her imagination and feelings go wild, she really wanted to pursue a career in scientific research. She had been part of the Science club in middle school, but hadn't joined any extracurricular activities in high school because of her babysitting job. Kellie shook her head to get her focus back on the current task. [i]Okay, so What to improve in my high school career... Let's see... That really is a hard question![/i] she thought deeply, resting her head on her left hand. It was certainly not a grades issue. She was a 4.0 student running for Valedictorian on her senior year, so what was really left to improve? [i]I've got it. [/i] Kellie sat up straight and began to write: [color=a2d39c]'Improve my social skills and attend more school-related activities.'[/color] It was no question that those were the aspects she truly needed to improve. She was always so busy with school and work that she never had time to go to any activities, so this year she would do her best to make a balance. Finished with the assigned activity, Kellie neatly folded the paper and set it on top of her desk. She looked around, and her eyes fell on none other than Jack Colt. A blush quickly made its way to her cheeks, turning them pink. Kellie quickly faced forward again and covered the side of her face he could see with her hand. Concentrating in this class would be hard if he was a part of it. She had crushed on him since he'd seen him last year on the first day of her sophomore year, and fate had made it so that Kellie had become best friends with his little sister Alice. Try as she may, but Kellie Anne hadn't been able to shake off the attraction that she felt for her best friend's older brother. It was a secret she hadn't confided in anyone, but that would be hard to keep having the guy in the same class as her.