[quote=@ArkmageddonCat] I'll try and get a post up tonight or tomorrow. Is TheWindel not rejoining? I thought they were... Wasn't there somebody else too? Or was that it? [/quote] There was me. Had an entertainingly busy few days but I'm ready to rock now. [hider=Lucas Trent] Name: Lucas Trent Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: Trent is tall and thin, with a kind face and a smile that persists through nearly anything. His attire is a simple jacket and pants chosen to not draw attention [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/lucas3.png[/img] Kingdom: Earth Persona: Lucas is quietly optimistic and is filled with a will to attempt nearly anything. He's modest towards his own achievements, preferring to downplay his own role in things. While trying to not make any enemies he has a subtle loyalty towards those he calls friends but tries not to play favorites. Post Example: [hider=Post Example] Lucas cringed as every other man in the room stood up from their seats. Perhaps asking such a direct question regarding the missing arms shipments out loud might not have been such a good idea. Regardless, his suspicions about this establishment had been confirmed and he now knew this it wasn't just the trio in the corner involved in the smuggling. Within seconds they individuals nearest to him rushed in, the first pair grabbing him by the back of his jacket and tossing him bodily at the wall. Lucas took the fall somewhat less gracefully than he would have liked, covering his head with his arms. As he lay on the ground the kicking started, heavy boots mostly being fended off but occasionally finding their way through to his ribs and stomach. His blood began to course through his veins with a strange heat. The beating slowed to a stop and he heard the sound of a bottle being broken off. He stood slowly and spat onto the floor before looking into the eyes of his would be executioner. As the man lunged in Lucas stepped to the side and delivered a punch to the mans chest that was much more than should have been possible from one with such a thin build. Ribs cracked audibly and the man was lifted into the air and carried across the room. Lucas smiled at the incredulous looks that turned to anger. Lucas placed his hand on a table and smiled out at the half dozen men still standing. With a flick of his wrist he unleashed the pent of force of those dozens of kicks and launched the piece of furniture across the room and into the group of smugglers. What followed was a one sided bar fight that hand ended well before any sort of law enforcement had arrived. [/hider] Equipment: A simple rapier Ability/Magic/Technology: Fencing skill - On the mundane side of things Lucas has a natural skill for fencing, able to last out with uncanny grace, precision and speed. Force manipulation - Lucas can redirect and store energy from blows through his body, absorbing, storing and releasing the kinetic energy through his hands and arms. The stored energy bleeds off rapidly after a few seconds of delay, usually taking no more that a minute to totally dissipate. This bleed off takes the form of heat that can quickly become dangerous if allows too much to build up. [/hider]