"Aww, poor thing." Phoebe said sympathetically as she watched Aella rush away from the scene. Being in the same year and house, the two have gotten to know each other quite well, at least on academic terms although Phoebe had to admit that Aella was the smarter one out of the two when they were paired together. They had a friendly relationship especially when Phoebe needed to pass the time waiting for a teacher to start up a lecture but besides that the two never had the chance to really get to know each other, although Phoebe had a feeling it had to do more with a clash of personalities and a rough first year between the two of them than a different circle of friends that the two had. Phoebe always meant to try and mend the issues the two had years ago but gotten around to doing it as of yet. Maybe this year would be different. "You were quite the busy little bee this summer it seems. Sadly it doesn't seem to help with your maturity." Phoebe jested as she looked towards the stairs. Ignoring the yells and snickering that started to grow as her target started to make their way towards the Tomb, it was the unusual light source coming from the stairway that tipped her off that the fun was about to begin. Watching in anticipation as the stairs started to grow brighter, the girl broke out in laughter as the captain of the Tituba came into view, glowing from every visible spot on his skin as if he was a human glow stick while his hair was colored in a vibrant red, one of Good's house colors. Even with many sets of eyes on him, it didn't take long before he spotted Dor and made their way towards the duo. "Aren't you a tad bit early on the pranks this year Dor? I hope that you're not trying to compensate for something."