[shakes off dust and cobwebs] Hello- terribly sorry for springing out of nowhere! This is both my first message here, as well as my first message on the forum in quite some time, so the apology sprung up as a habit of mine. I do hate feeling intrusive so it's reflexive of me. This has a nice feeling to it- well, nice in an attractive and interesting way moreso than a warm and cozy way. Apocalypses tend to be decidedly un-cozy after all...although I won't begrudge a warm apocalypse! ...My awkward rambling aside, if you wouldn't mind I'd like to lurk around here for a bit and possibly even ask to partake in the [most likely] fun that is sure to ensue. Of course, I'll be fine with just reading up on what everyone else does and just being an audience member in the background should you only want the fellows who expressed interest in the original thread- no hard feelings there.