[@Narcotic Dollie][@OfficerHeadbutt] Darlene pulled her ear bud out of one of her ears as she took notice to the British accent that filled the silent ass room and chuckled to herself [color=Turquoise] " Hey man~"[/color] She said as she looked him over and shook her head before realizing the girl with the purple hair was introducing herself. She smiled and leaned back over as she shook her hand [color=Turquoise] " My names Darlene~ So Mia with the purple hair aye? You're so far the only white chick I've seen pull off a full head of purple and not have the dyed scalp too haha~ I mean, purple is a majestic color and only the ones who think you look as great as I think you do are gonna stare at you honey ... you do have a head full of purple after all"[/color] She pulled her hand away in the middle of her conversation and grinned. She then reverted her attention back at the British dude and thought he was pretty loud guy, once or if he sat down in front of Mia she'd wave and introduce herself[color=Turquoise]" So, what's you're name? I'm Darlene by the way"[/color] She pushed her wavy curls out of her face and behind her ears and got more comfortable in her seat. Looking down at her phone she paused her music and took the other ea bud out and placed her things on the upper right of her desk. She hadn't thought about making anymore friends since she was pretty set on that but, these two were probably gonna be an exciting new bunch of people to consider being friends too. She straightened her shirt out and looked at them both now, trying to keep a decent conversation going till the teacher instructed them to do something else.