[hider= The Character] Appearance: Summer's slightly below average height, on the paler side, with brown eyes and shoulder-length dark hair. Hard living has made her slim and muscular, though in her usual garb it's hard to tell, given how she's just about always wearing some mix-up of coats, jackets, scarves, and all varieties of winter clothing (in addition to the broad-brimmed cowboy hat that she's very proud of). Her face is smooth, rounded, and mostly unmarked, with the exception of a long scar that runs from the base of her chin, up the side of her cheek and to her eyebrow. Genre(s): Post-Apocalyptic Scrappunk Winter Weird Western Name: Summer Gender: Female Age: 20 Personality: Summer is a compassionate, cheerful girl with a penchant for headstrong decisions and near-blind trust. She's a tireless optimist and incorrigible believer in the power of people to change their stars, though she is also easily frustrated and can be quick to argue with people who she perceives as being in the wrong. She's very resourceful when backed into a corner, and has developed some fairly substantial issues with authority. Bio: Summer is an adventurer, survivor, and engineer, who's spent the last few years wandering the frozen wasteland of her world, taking odd jobs, fixing things, and helping out wherever she can. She never knew her parents, and was raised instead by a family friend who taught her everything she knew about fighting and surviving in her world. Skills: Summer is a decent shot with most kinds of pistol or revolver, and can handle herself fairly well in a brawl. Her world and her life as a wanderer have made her an adept outdoorswoman and wilderness survivalist, particularly in cold climates (as that's what she's been living in... forever). Finally, she's a talented engineer and mechanical prodigy, capable of fixing up, operating, or breaking down to make something new pretty much any piece of tech she can get her hands on. Equipment: 9mm pistol Reinforced wooden baseball bat General Wilderness supplies (First Aid, flint and steel, rope, extra socks, etc.) Engineering supplies (Blow torch, welding mask, wrench, etc.) A variety of inventions, including: A silent hand crossbow built from clockwork that fires nails A taser-glove made from a mitten, toaster wire, and a lot of batteries Several jury-rigged pipe bombs A modcop sawn-off shotgun capable of firing flash powder, smoke pellets, flame accelerant, etc. A netgun that can be quickly assembled Knuckle dusters with collapsible spikes (made from nails and scrap metal) Naturally, this all takes up a lot of space, resulting in her often traveling with a comically oversized set of backpacks. [/hider] [hider= The Setting] [color=6ecff6][b][h1]Summer's World: The New Frontier[/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ec/80/48/ec80480d259e88e268aea6759143b358.jpg[/img] Summer's world was a lot like ours, once - in fact, it was just another version of our reality. Where it differs is that, in some point not too far in our future, it began to snow, and it did not stop. Not for weeks, not for months, not for years. When that first great blizzard was finally ended, the few survivors who'd huddled wherever there was still food and fuel had a new world to build. But cold and hunger were far from their only problems. Somehow, the ice and snow had given birth to strange creatures. From the snowmen, bizarre humanoid beasts formed of ice that attacked in hordes and hungered for flesh, to the yeti, massive man-eating beasts, mankind had a whole slew of new predators to contend with in their battle for survival. People will find comfort where they may, of course, and the pioneers of this new world drew inspiration from a very singular source. So much knowledge and history had been lost that the world before the snows may as well have been a different planet, but some stories survived - particularly, the stories of a place called the Wild West. This was a grand place, a frontier, where every day could bring strange adventures, great danger, or greater rewards. The heroes of these tales - Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, John Wayne, and all the others - were revered, worshiped in places. And so, the new world was molded after these old tales. Civilization endured from big cities to small towns, vagabonds and bandits prowled the wastelands and the saloons in equal measure, sheriffs were the be all and end all of the law. The New Frontier was born. But that's all ancient history to Summer. For her, the world has been this way as long as anyone can remember. Each blizzard is a little harder, each night a little colder, each year more narrowly scraped by. The world is on its very last legs, there can be no doubt; but if Summer has her way, it's going to go down swinging. [/hider]