[quote=@Sypherkhode822] Is the cage fighting legal? Kat may see how Deon beat the living shit out of some poor NPC, and decide to ring him up with assault and battery. (I'm cackling at the thought of arresting the GM's own character.) [/quote] Lol don't worry, your time will come. While what they do is indeed illegal, the entire premise of The Spit is that it keeps the populace happy (instead of discovering how shitty their lives are) and it brings in too much money for the government to care, and they blindly turn the other way (if you haven't figured it out by now, the government is VERY corrupt) so in a way, The Spit is somewhat protected. Patience, though. There will be a time when Deon's ass will be handed to him :) [quote=@Darkmatter] I'm sort of done my character but am going to fiddle with it a but more here in work for a while. I also will attempt to strike up a new location if/when I'm accepted. [/quote] Sounds good! Thanks for the update!