Looking up towards the night sky as she approached the tree line, a cool breeze filled with salt spray filled Killashandras senses before she proceeded into the lush darkness that covered the floor of the forest. The evening was pleasant enough, at least for her, placing more distance between herself and those that sought her out on this moon filled night. She knew it was not wise to stand in the open of the sands but the sea would call to her ever so often and it was a call that had to be answered. It rejuvenated her senses and spirit more than any other activity she had encountered in her life time. Though after a time watching the wrath of the sea she found the silence of the woods oddly comforting, falling into the shadows as silent footsteps fell to the ground below her. In her arms she clutched her only true possession that she cared about, a worn journal that held secrets even though the pages were blank. Meandering through the woods, her crystalline eyes stayed seemingly fixed on one point before her but she took in her surroundings nonetheless. A few streams of moonlight would break through the canopy above and she would pass like a shadow through them, the darkness clinging to her like a child would to a mother legs not wanting to let go. She was forced to take note of how quiet it was, the nocturnals did not seem to be out to play this evening and only the sound of insects rustling was cutting through the stagnant wilderness. [i]Odd[/i], she thought to herself as she continued on her way. The night was usually so much more alive and vibrant. She had to wonder why it was not. Perhaps it was her presence but she doubted it, things were never that cut and dry. Trying to solve such enigmas was like trying to stop a war with a single rose. It did not bold well to ones favor. The time seemed to slip by like sands through the hour glass that had become clogged by a single piece that was too large to pass through. The minutes held their breath, causing each moment that ticked by to move as the elderly. Killashandra did not mind though; neither the silence nor the slow passing of the night. It allowed things to be better taken in, to be appreciated and studied. It was not something she had been able to enjoy during her confines and it was something that she was very willing to enjoy at this time. Taking in the small subtle moments were something that Killashandra reveled in, having long been denied them for so long and ones that she wondered how many she had left to memorize. Though, all peace cannot be maintained indefinitely and though it was not those that hunted her or wanted to drag her back to the life she had escaped something else was occurring deep within the forest. It was not something she could see yet but a general sense that pulled her in a certain direction as her feet wandered over mossy rock and soft clover. Eventually she came to the spot of her intrigue and glanced around, her chin up slightly as violet eyes lit by the shine of moonlight seeking them out. She said not a word as she stepped over to the edge of these new surroundings. What was such a place doing here she wondered, slightly perplexed but to each their own. Perhaps there was something more to these surroundings than just stone structure that was there. Kneeling down, her skirt billowed around her as she reached out and placed a pale hand to the ground, she knew better than to venture forward into uncharted terrain without seeing first if it would affect her right off. Eyes drifted close as she turned her head to the side, feeling the pulse of the world below. Nodding to herself that it was safe to precede she rode from her humbled position and smoothed the lush fabric of her gown down before proceeding to take another step. The steps came though, one by one as she wandered slowly and cautiously as she examined the layout of the outside. That same pale hand trailing along the cut stone that formed the structure before her until she stopped as stairs made themselves clear to her vision. Taking each step slowly she made her way up, enjoying the feel of the cool rough stone against her fingers. It was odd, stone could be so confining if used as a hold to keep one within but in this circumstance it was a raw beauty that was surrounded by a natural one; making it far less daunting in her mind than others that she had faced as she took another step up the stairs and another until she reached the pinnacle of them and glanced around. “Peculiar,” she whispered through pale lips. This did not seem like a home to any, what it was she could not be sure. She had her suspicions but beyond that she did not linger on them other than to make a passing thought. It was not wise to judge at first glance.