[@Ink Blood] Hey, like the characters. A couple things, though. Firstly, Barnabas has 77 as his code, which is the same as Seeker's Velva. Secondly, consecutive numbers are not allowed for Asylums. One of Barnabas' weapons creates a blade using ink and alchemy. This does make sense, and it's wicked awesome, but you should probably check with Xodus if you haven't already. There was an issue with someone having strings that hardened using alchemy, though that was going to be a property of the string and this is clearly using alchemy for the entire duration of the ink's use as a blade. Lastly, Alice's gloves have metal powder to make them harder. I know metal is stronger than cloth, but if you turn the metal into a powder, it ends up having a great deal of give. A thin, flexible layer on cloth gloves would not provide any noticeable benefit. A pad filled with it might even lessen the impact, as the pad would have some give (think like punching a sandbag instead of punching a rock). The metal needs to be solid to be effective. Metal plated gloves would work, though.