[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/b1/84/cab18440651c7726f17ac760c6d1f0f4.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]<<((\\*//))>>[/h3][/center] [center][i]**"Project T-95.3 is showing no signs of hostility towards the human race by no means other than poor programming. The issue in which we are faced is only a slight malfunction that can be addressed simply by a software update transmitted via satellite. Not only is this method more effective, but it will also take less time than issuing a mass recall on the model leaving countless thousands without a reasonable product to provide their breakfast--"**[/i][/center] [center]***[/center] [center][RADIO SIGNAL DETECTED - ANALYZING VOICE PATTERNS][/center] [center]. . .[/center] [center][TRACING VOCAL PATTERN THROUGH ZONE ALPHA POPULACE SERVERS. . .CALCULATING. . .[b]CONFIRM:[/b] VOICE BELONGS TO [i]KATHERINE SAUNDERS[/i]][/center] [center][PRIMARY DIRECTIVE HAS BEEN UPDATED. [b]INITIATE PURSUIT[/b]][/center] CERBERUS zipped and darted between the swelled crowd of citizens in District 4. Currently not taking notice or care of anyone's initial direction or speed. It didn't matter anyway, any pedestrian who took notice of the large wolf synthetic quickly moved out of the way, granting him a clear pathway. It had only been a few days since he fled the Sundowner Science Facility on the outskirts of District 4, seeking his creator, the woman who knew his AI better than even he did. The search was initially fruitless, leading him to dead ends. But this signal here was traceable, not far away. Maybe she could help him find his purpose, reason for remaining active. [center][i]He had to find her.[/i][/center] [center][h3]<<((\\*//))>>[/h3][/center] [center][b][AN UNSPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME BEFORE - SUNDOWNER SCIENCE FACILITY][/b][/center] [url=http://community.ebay.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/136591iE7E7A1BCF73FB97F/image-size/large?v=mpbl-1&px=-1]Dr. William Mars[/url] strode through the lobby of the facility, access keycard in hand. Walking slightly behind him was a young girl, wearing a simple [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/11/f8/96/11f89685040d63a751dcfb729db42a17.jpg]beige dress[/url]. With bright auburn hair that seemed to catch the sun in its locks and smooth pale skin the color of alabaster, the girl would have been considered beautiful by many. But she looked so...so sad. It could be seen in her dark brown eyes, a heavy sadness that made all who looked into it fill with guilt - even if they had done nothing at all. The girl's almost angelic features collided with Dr. Mars's own visage, hard and unyielding like stone, marred with creases and frown lines. Yet when their gazes met, he would offer her a small, uncharacteristic smile. The scientist waited an extra moment before scanning the keycard across a small panel, a heavy steel door sliding open with a [i]thunk[/i]. The duo stepped through the threshold into a steel-lined corridor, walking through the various hallways until reaching a [url=http://orig12.deviantart.net/88b0/f/2010/243/0/d/sci_fi_apartment_complex_by_thiagoklafke-d2xpdfi.jpg]large, open room[/url], lit by various lights and a massive window on the ceiling, casting sunlight down on a small garden set up in the middle of the room. The room was empty, almost, aside from the occasional researcher, janitor, or intern to walk past in search of another door. "This is the hub of the facility. It leads to nearly every other location in the building. We're early enough to avoid the big rushes, however." Dr. Mars explained to the girl beside him, who merely nodded silently in response, looking somewhat shelled-in and uncomfortable. "Now then." Dr. Mars continued, "we're expecting a visitor that should be here any moment." As if on cue, one of the various doors lining the wall slid open as the K-9 Mk. 1 AI stepped out, turning its head in the direction of Dr. Mars. The machine approached the duo with slinking, very [i]organic[/i] movements, as though it were an actual dog or wolf. Stopping just two feet in front of the doctor, the Mk. 1 sat on its back haunches, looking up at Dr. Mars. [i]"Greetings."[/i] It said simply, growing eerily silent once more. "Good morning, K-9." Dr. Mars responded in a tone that was less than wholly polite, as though the last thing he wanted was to be holding a conversation with a robot wolf. Clearing his throat and adopting a stern look, Dr. Mars continued, this time in a commanding tone. "K-9, this is my daughter, River," he motioned to the girl beside him. "I'd like you and her to get to know each other. Follow her around, talk to her, protect her. Do you understand your new directive?" [i]"Affirmative."[/i] The K-9 acknowledged in a deep, growling voice, sounding as though it belonged to a heavily augmented human man as opposed to a machine. "Good. Off you go then." Dr. Mars bid before turning on his heel and heading towards one of the other doors in the hub, leaving River and the Mk. 1 alone. [i]"I am the K-9 Mk. 1 Prototype, formal designation: CERBERUS."[/i] The Mk. 1 broke the silence, now looking up at River. "Hello." She responded simply, sounding incredibly nervous, her voice quiet enough that it required Cerberus to heighten his audio receptors to calculate he had picked up the right words. Without warning, River crouched down, meeting Cerberus at eye-level. "You don't think you're a dog, do you?" She asked, slightly louder than before, though her general tone and demeanor was still uneasy. [i]"My platform was built to resemble an organic canine creature, and certain facets of my programming reflect this. However, my neuro-AI was created to resemble a human brain to grant me further independence and awareness."[/i] Cerberus explained, not wavering in tone whatsoever. "My father treats you like a pet." River replied, not moving from her spot. [i]"Correct. Dr. Mars's perception of me is that I am a domesticated synthetic pet. Whether this is a manifestation of his desire for a companion, or simply a reflection of his distaste for me is disputable."[/i] Cerberus replied, tilting his head about slightly when looking at River. "Well..." she reached a hand out, slow at first, as though expecting Cerberus to snap. But when he remained still, she let her fingers run along the top of his head. "I won't treat you like a pet..." [center][h3]<<((\\*//))>>[/h3][/center] After walking for another mile-and-a-half, Cerberus found where the radio signal had come from. A large industrial building, currently being vacated by hundreds of people. Spotting a security booth only a few hundred yards away, Cerberus quickly sprinted in its direction, the guard in the window currently too busy reading a clearly pornographic magazine instead of actually doing his job. Suddenly, Cerberus reared up on his hind legs, slamming his front half into the booth window, running his knife-like claws along the glass and snapping his jaws. The guard dropped the magazine in shock, almost falling out of his chair as he could only stare back at the wolf robot on the other side of his booth. "Uh...can I, can I help you...sir?" The guard asked, honestly unsure of what else [i]to[/i] say in the current circumstances. Cerberus let his mouth hang open as he tilted his head to the side. [i]"I am looking for Katherine Saunders."[/i] Cerberus replied aloud, earning another shocked expression from the security guard (who looked like he'd need a new pair of trousers). "Uh, uhm...ch-check outside. The debate is over, I'm s-sure she's leaving with everyone else." The guard explained, blinking rapidly for a few moments as if to check that this was indeed real. [i]"Thank you."[/i] Cerberus responded before lowering himself from the window and sprinting off in the direction of the crowd, leaving an incredibly confused security guard in his wake.