Liara stopped abruptly as she noticed Erika, standing at her typical statuesque attention once more. She giggled softly as Fell excused himself, still trying to remain ever vigilant in her attempt to be the professional soldier. Her brow creased slightly as she saw the look of agitation Erika had plastered on as she paced back and forth. She'd seen that look before, but no matter what the odds were, they always seemed to pull through in the past. [color=goldenrod]"Was that your practice speech for tonight's Circle? Morale for the troops and whatnot, cause if so, you might wanna go retrieve it from that fire. We're gonna need all the help we can get."[/color], Calliope had interrupted her thoughts. Damn the girl and her constant daydreaming, a frown formed on her face as she brought herself back to. Realizing that she should probably skadoodle along as well, Liara started to turn about. She stopped mid movement and looked at Erika with a bright, reassuring smile. [color=violet]"No matter what, ma'am, we all have faith in you. We've pulled through worse before, I'm sure. You just need to have a little faith"[/color]. She was sure she shouldn't have said it, she probably made the woman feel ten times more pressured. But it just came out. And with that, she turned on her heels and went to look for something to eat. Arlan had followed her through the camp. Now that they were within its safety, the bear seemed to lighten up some. His big paws dug into the ground as he playfully pounced around her, knowing full well that food was coming soon. Food time was among her favorite times of the day, whether it was breakfast time, lunch time or supper time. And what luck, a fresh catch from one of the Harbingers would fill her appetite quite nicely. She sat, content with her meal, slipping Arlan a few pieces here and there when no one was looking. They looked out for each other, it had been that way since that day in the forest when she was nearly killed by the cimmerian. But it was a bit more than that, certainly an unexplainable bond. When one looked at Liara, they would find no trace of hostility, no trace of sadness or bitterness. Even on the battlefield, she was focused and with such fierce precision, but no rage. And nothing could be compared to the pure joy that was written all over her face as she ate. Liara glanced around her as she finished her meal. She still had a bit of time to kill before the Circle. She really should have bathed, or at least used the time to try and make an effort to be presentable and formal for the meeting. Unfortunately the chore didn't really sit high on her list of priorities. Fell had made his way back to his tent. She had noticed the confrontation between him and Mike earlier and only shook her head. She wasn't quite impressed with the hot headed presentation of masculinity and had only hoped that Erika didn't see it. The Lady Ashlinn was busy tending to the wounded in the camp, and way on the training yard, she noticed Eliot hacking away at the straw dummies. Everyone was around today. She got up from the table, brushed any food from her face and clothes and walked over to the training grounds, Arlan following close behind.