Rekugin noticed the flicker of movement, from the man that filled him with unease, and looked up and stared. Finishing his whiskey with a sigh, he placed the cup down and looked around. No one had seemed to notice the man get up-*BANG BANG*. Every eye in the room was now focused on the man. [color=ed1c24]"I am Rask. Some of you are here because I called for it. You came under the promise of work, money and glory. However you also know you risk your life and that we may find nothing at all. THis is the life I can promise, along with a good meal in your belly at night.”[/color] Rekugin listened intently while also looking at the people who he had marked down as waiting for Rask and saw that he was correct on all of them, they were waiting for Rask. He turned back to listen to Rask when someone got in his way. Rekugin kicked him sideways without getting off his seat with a snarl. [color=ed1c24]“Anybody here to sign on should follow me now, we have the basement to ourselves for now and that is where you can interview. I wont just take on any Tom, Dick and Harry who has a knife. But I also don't expect blademasters, so don't worry too much."[/color] Rekugin laughed quietly to himself, [color=8882be]“well half of these people aren’t gonna get it…scratch that,”[/color] he would mutter as he saw some people stumble and argue as they pushed to get to the stairs, [color=8882be]“nearly no one will get it.”[/color] He saw a rush of people still trying to follow Rask to the basement, including the one he kicked out the way before. He waited until there weren’t any people left pushing to get down thee stairs, before getting up and walking to the stairs of the basement. There were a couple people in the bar for just a drink but they didn’t really care about what was going on. He was the last to enter and saw that the seats at the tables had already been taken up. He was fine with that and moved so he was leaning against the wall able to see Rask and … a coin. [color=ed1c24]"Introduce yourselves now, I will learn names but only of those who interest me. Also, I hope you all brought your weapons, there is definitely tests."[/color] He had been focusing on the coin when Rask had said this and his eyes swiveled up to look at him. He looked around and no one responded to Rask yet, so he spoke louder than he normal would. [color=8882be]“I am Rekugin…archer and swordsman.”[/color] His speaking brought forth a torrent of other names and titles.