[center] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN9KqmaQt70[/youtube] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/1471f00bd8b8ff30fa5ec29641de4de3/tumblr_n0i7cwp0uY1rz66wro2_500.gif[/img] [/center] Bringing his knuckles together and cracking them with a series of loud pops, Deon simultaneously rolled his shoulders, releasing the tension in the muscles there. He kept himself busy while his last competitor was being collected by walking over to the far edge of the cage where a small group of women were located. Thin arms grasped through the metal bars, fingers outstretching to touch him, their pretty faces pressed as close against the cool, bloodied metal as close as possible with tears streaming down their eyes in utter anticipation as he came closer and closer. Finally, he made a small effort by lifting up his hand, gracing outstretched fingers with a simple touch of his own. The hand shuddered, there was a small scream of unbelief and then the hand withdrew, the owner of which falling back into the crowd in an unconscious heap though those she fell back into simply laid her down on the floor and then closed the gap back up, uncaring for the females condition. There were more hands, however, and more women. Deon took a particular interest in a woman in a red dress. Blonde, top-heavy in proportion, and with a rather mischievous look on her face. She wore a bit too much makeup for his personal liking, like a teenager making an attempt to look older but really, he could care less. "Wassup baby? You enjoying the fights?" Deon asked, propping himself up against the side of the cage and folded his arms across his bare, sweaty chest. Other, female arms began to snake through, touching him, groping him, caressing him as one would to a lover, all along his arms, around to his chest - his legs... anywhere they could reach but Deon didn't even seem to notice as his full attention was on the woman in the red dress. "You certainly are one hell of a fighter, Darth. And thanks to you, you just made me a bit richer tonight." the female responded with a soft, airy giggle as she extended out her own hand to run down his chest, causing Deon's arms to unfold and return to his sides. "Yeah? Well that ain't all I can make you tonight." came Deon's snarky comment, his eyes on her hand as she began to trace the corded muscles of his abdomen. There was a slight rise in volume and movement on the opposite side of the cage, getting Deon's attention away from the red-dressed-lady and towards the opening of the cage and had to suppress a bursted laugh as he watched a female enter into the cage. [i]"You... you're all mine."[/i] "Hey now, baby. Calm down. There's plenty of Darth to go around." Deon replied, not quite understanding that the female was there to fight him - and it didn't help that she was beginning to (try to) take off her jacket. She was rather attractive, the more he looked at her. Though she had a strange taste in tattoos upon her face, he decided that it simply made her all the more interesting. Though his interest in women typically fell in line with how many rounds he was willing to give them in the bedroom. "Hell, you and red could team up. That'll [i]really[/i] show you what a champion cage fighter is capable of." The female raised her hands in what Deon had to assume was a defensive position. This got his eyebrows raised fully and this time, he could not hold back the laugh. [i]"Come on, showboy."[/i] He was not alone with his amusement. Plenty others within the crowd roared and bellowed, the men wiping tears from their eyes as this was truly the most humorous thing that they had seen in The Spit for a long time. Deon, still laughing, shook his head and excused himself from the woman in the red dress as he crossed over to the female. "You have a strange way of trying to get my attention, baby. But you got it." he said, stopping just a foot or so away from her, not at all posing any sort of threat in the way he was standing. "You [i]really[/i] wanna do this? There are plenty of... other things I'd rather do to your body. To destroy something so... entirely enticing and not in my preferred way... well that would just be a shame..." His left hand was raised, his fingertips playing with the ends of her hair, almost lovingly. But there was something dark in his eyes, even more-so than usual. The music in the club changed as if on cue and Deon smirked. With the blink of an eye, his right hand was raised and let it fly to connect with her jaw in a powerful blow. "Lock the fucking gate!" Deon yelled to the men stationed on the outside of the cage. A roar from the crowd was initiated, the promise of another fight getting their blood pumping to extreme levels and Deon looked around, smirking and smiling with them in their excitement before his unnatural golden-colored eyes looked back to the teal haired woman and let his face fall back into that of a warrior. "I got to teach a bitch a lesson."