[hider=Matteo DiAngelo][img=200,400]http://s1.zerochan.net/600/49/34/1656749.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Matteo DiAngelo [b]Epithet:[/b] The Engineer. [b]Blue/Sea:[/b] South Blue [b]Crew/Base:[/b] The doctor and acting shipwright of the Powder Keg Pirates [b]Bounty/Rank:[/b] 30 000 000 Beli [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5' 9" [b]Weight:[/b] 173 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] His right arm and left leg are mechanical. They look to be made of steel, but he usually wears a long sleeved parka or hoodie, canvas pants, and a glove on his metallic hand. [b]Personality:[/b] He is pretty energetic, goofy, and fun-loving. He is often laughing at situations and finds a lot of things funny. He is also sometimes easily impressed by mildly-interesting things. Don't take these as signs of stupidity, however. He is very intelligent, especially in the medical field. While it isn't too often, he can be serious when the situation demands it. When he is serious, it can be scary, especially in a fight. He gets a strong look if determination on his face and become extremely focused on his goal. When he begins to work on mechanical things, he often gets quiet. It's not quite the full serious look, as he merely looks calm and he can snap out of it at any time. [b]Devil Fruit (if any):[/b] N/A [b]Skills & Talent:[/b] Considerable skill as a doctor and some experience doing shipwright duties. Basically, if something broken, he fixes it. Great talent with machines and firearms. [b]Weapons:[/b] he has a mechanical right arm and left leg, which are great defensively as he can block attacks with them in a pinch and no damage will come to his real body. A hole in the centre of his mechanical palm can be revealed, which he can use to shoot small explosives out of. He can also fire a grappling hook from the top of his wrist (opposite side of the palm) at a high velocity so it sticks into things. It also can retract back into his arm, allowing for him to pull himself to things or vice-versa. He can extend a blade from the other side of his wrist with a maximum length of two feet. He can also make a blade come out along the length of the front of his leg. Finally, he carries two revolvers in a gun harness on his waist and a sawed off shotgun on his back. [b]Transportation:[/b] A small Marine vessel re-purposed and painted over with all Marine insignia removed and replaced with pirate flags and a jolly roger. [b]Dream/Goal:[/b] To become a complete master in his craft of medicine and artificial body parts, and engineering and use what he learns to explore the world. [b]Origins:[/b] Matteo's place in the south blue was small, but it was home. Growing up, his father was a fisherman and his mother was a manual labourer. They both took care if him as well as they could, whenever they were home. It was often hard as their jobs demanded them to be away from home, and even when they got back there was no guarantee Matteo would be home anyways. Mateo wasn't so much a trouble maker as curious as all hell. He didn't steal or get into fights, he mostly got into places he shouldn't be by just exploring. One time he was even found in the storeroom of a local shop with no idea how he had ended up there, it turned out there was an old smuggling tunnel that led to there that no one had found before then. If he wasn't exploring , he was with his friend Suzaku. All in all, he caused no real harm so the townsfolk didn't mind him. When he actually had time with his parents, his mother showed her trust in him by teaching him to shoot. She was a crack shot with a handgun and she taught all she knew to Matteo. He picked it up fast and enjoyed it greatly, but would never dream of aiming down on another person with intent to harm. Between his newfound hobby of marksmanship, Matteo was shaping up to be quite an interesting kid. No one ever thought his love for exploring would get him into trouble, but they didn't know what was in store for Matteo. One day he decided to explore some cliffs on the small island, since his parents weren't expected back until the night and Suzaku was becoming unavailable as of late, he figured he could handle being out some time. He had been to the cliffs before of course, just hadn't explored them quite as extensively as he would have liked. As he meandered along the cliff sides he encountered a few Marines, apparently laying down foundations for a base; again, Matteo ending up where he shouldn't be. The Marines were quick to bark at him and tell him to back off the private property. The shock caused Matteo to slip, unfortunately for him there was nothing behind him to stop his fall. He tumbled down the cliff, holding his arm out for something to grab onto or slow him down; all that met his arm was a rock jutting out far from the cliff, smashing against the limb. Luckily it did slow him down some, so that when the cliff sloped out he slid along it, the only problem was it was still too fast and he kept gaining velocity. He saw another rock jutting out and he made a split second choice, moving so that one leg would take the brunt of the blow against it instead of avoiding it all together. His leg shot up in intense pain, and the move causing him to fall forwards and tumble down the rest of the way, sounds of cracking filling his ears. He eventually crumpled at the bottom of the cliff, unable to move on his leg and with his arm. The pain grew as he attempted still though, until he blacked out. It took a full day to find him, the townsfolk not truly knowing he was missing until the next morning accounted for that. They found him spread out at the bottom of the cliff and took him back to town. The doctor only confirmed what they had guessed from his oddly twisted arm and leg, those two limbs were shattered beyond repair available to them. The doctor however was quite willing to attempt repairs with a more... experimental science. Matteo's patents weren't sure what to think, but left the choice up to their son. When he awoke, Matteo was surprised to be in a strange bed, being attended by a strange man. He was presented a choice, remain likely crippled for life or be a subject of a newer medical science. It was no choice for Matteo, and work soon began. With measurements galore and testing to see if he was healthy enough, the day finally came when Matteo's new limbs were built. Attaching them was painful as all hell, and getting used to them was worse, but soon he was fitted with his new mechanical limbs. They were cool and fun and opened a lot of possibilities. While this new advancement was fun, there was the problem that he was still growing, and mechanical limbs didn't. The heavier Marine presence also made problems. His doctor was taken under custody for malpractice, meaning no one was trained to make new limbs for him, and Matteo's father was forcefully recruited into the Marines. With that, Matteo snuck into the doctors old now abandoned house and took whatever books and on medicine and artificial limbs he could find, which was a lot. He even picked up books on engineering to be safe, which proved vital in his new ambition. There was a change to him that none had quite seen before. He hardly left the house for awhile, spending time in his room. He read and memorized all the books he could and practised as best he could. He helped sick patients since the island now had no real doctor and he took whatever mechanical parts he could find (from the doctors house, the Marine base, and neighbouring islands when he could manage) and tinkered with them. Eventually he made himself a new arm and leg, even better than the last. It took a lot to get to that level of success though, years, and in those years the islands condition only got worse. The island was under a strict and corrupt military control. His fathers missions off the island got longer and longer until he eventually was declared MIA by a letter delivered to the home. It was plain white paper with black ink spelling it out, but no pen and paper could express the tears shed and the loss felt that day. That was the last straw for Matteo. He met back up with his friend Suzaku and together they planned a revolution. In perpetration, Matteo remodelled his limbs, weaponizing them and improving their performance. With a revolution underway and many people at their side, Matteo and Suzaku fought together to rid the area of oppression, and they succeeded. With that finished and the dust settled, he headed out to sea with Suzaku for adventure and to become as strong as he could be.