"And it is because of that and that alone that project X-95.3, on the market now known as the toaster, should be recalled." Kate had made it to the meeting in one of the industrial buildings inside of District 4. It was a large building, filled to the brim with elected officials, scientists, and just about anyone else who had anything to do with robotics and the making. Sitting with a small squadron of her own classmates, Kate found herself standing up and addressing the speaker. "I disagree your Lordship. Project X-95.3 is showing no signs of hostility towards the human race. There is only a slight malfunction that can be addressed simply by a software update transmitted via satellite. Not only is this method more effective, but it will also take less time than issuing a mass recall on the model." The cameras had all tuned into the student section where Kate had voiced her opinion. Not only was this meeting being held live, but also broadcasted to other districts, somewhat as a sort of news broadcast to those who where unable to make it to the meeting. The man at the podium turned his attention to the woman as well, a rather ugly smug look on his face. "My dear, not only have you interrupted me, but you have brought attention to yourself by means of which you can not even back up. Who is supposed to fund the research for this update? I certainly won't be taking any money from my own pocket for a matter that is just as well taken care of by the people." "But the people are at no fault your Lordship." Kate interjected, earning a few murmurings among the people in the building. It was this sort of 'meeting' that was best run-through by the high-council with their per-determined speech. The congregation was just expected to nod their heads and go with the decision that had already been made, but Kate had just enough about that, and was unafraid to voice her own opinion. "Whats your name?" The man at the podium asked. "Katherine Saunders of District 4 your Lordship." Kate answered. "Well Katie...I shall then hand this matter over to you then. Come up with this 'update' by no later than tomorrow evening. If your efforts prove fruitless, then I have no choice but to place you under arrest. Case dismissed." The room bellowed out in an uproar, not to mention a rather shocked looking expression on Kate's face. "Your Lordship that's not what I meant!" Kate shouted out, but her own words were drowned out by the mass of others shouting objections as well. It was then that the security had breached into the room, taking crowd control into their own hands as they pushed people towards the exit,shooting those without even so much as blinking to those who protested. "Fucking diplomats..." Kate grumbled as she was issued back outside.