[hr][CENTER][B]| [I]GM ANNOUNCEMENTS:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT][B]07/29/2015:[/B] The thread is under development, please bear with us as edits are made. [B]07/29/2015:[/B] Please apply in the OOC thread, do not reserve spots in the Character Tab unless you are a GM. [/INDENT] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]THE STORY THUS FAR:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT]~No arcs have been completed in the IC so far~[/INDENT] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]ANTAGONISTS:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT]~None yet, but watch your back Jack!~[/INDENT]