[center][h3][color=ff4000]Mallory[/color] & [color=006bff]Matthew[/color][/h3][/center] When the waiter brought the food out, Matthew smiled up at him then made a face when he stated that he was going on a break. Matthew wanted to tell him to wait and let him join but he seemed way out of his league. Matthew sighed to himself then glanced out of the window at Mallory, who seem to have made a new friend within someone. He also saw the waiter join their conversation, or interrupting it. Matthew eyed his food and just started eating. Mallory was a bit flirty with Jason but then again, how could she not. She laughed at his jokes and stared into his eyes more than once. Hearing his pickup line to get her to stay, she blushed slightly at then shied away. When the waiter came over, she scowled towards him then looked at Jason, who asked for her number. [b][color=ff4000]"Oh, sure."[/color][/b] She smiled while taking his phone and putting her number in. She waited until he was done talking with the waiter guy, Adrian before handing Jason back his phone. She couldn't help but overheard Jason's plan but she acted like she didn't. With a smile, she handed Jason his phone back before walking off and back inside of the Diner, watching her brother scarf down his food. [b][color=ff4000]"Uhm, a bit hungry much?"[/color][/b] Mallory said as she sat down, not really hungry anymore.[b] [color=006bff]"You alright, Mal?"[/color][/b] Her brother asked sincerely as Mallory nodded her head. [b][color=ff4000]"Yeah, I am fine but I think we're being hunted, Matt. Like our kind of people."[/color][/b] She whispered while looking around. [b][color=006bff]"I am not sure how to feel about that. I mean, are we really safe here?"[/color][/b] Matthew asked while looking towards Mallory and shrugged her shoulders. [b][color=ff4000]"I don't know but if not, we'll have to watch each other's back. Okay?"[/color][/b] She stuck her pinky out, which her brother wrapped his pinky around hers. [b][color=ff4000]"I am suddenly not hungry anymore so yeah."[/color][/b] She got up from her seated position and walked outside, her brother following. [b][color=ff4000]"Well, back to the University I go."[/color][/b] She said with a smile and hugged her brother. [b][color=006bff]"Wait, are you sure that you can trust this guy?"[/color][/b] Matthew asked with raising a brow towards Mallory. [b][color=ff4000]"His name is Jason and yes, I am sure of it. He is one of us."[/color][/b] Mallory said while walking back towards her car and standing beside her door. [b][color=ff4000]"I'll text you when I get back to my dorm room."[/color][/b] With those words spoken she got inside of her vehicle and placed her shades on her face. Matthew waved at Mallory as she sped out of the parking lot, making her way back towards Manhattan, New York and towards New York University.