[center][img]http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab114/virired/anime/912996_1.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f9ad81]NAME:[/color] Aloe [color=f9ad81] ABSTRACT:[/color] An aloof Changeling who rather be lost than found. [color=f9ad81]INTENT:[/color] To immerse himself in mazes, emerge more than victorious, and perhaps light the travelers’ way… if he ever feels like it. [color=f9ad81]FIRST ADVENTURE:[/color] Swapped at birth for a human child, Aloe was raised inside the city. Often plagued by the voices of his human parents and the bustles of the city, he search for an escape. One night, his parents were particularly loud, as his lamp shook along with their rising voices. He snuck out into the backyard and found a small space beneath the bushes. Almost like magic, he found what seems like a different place. What is merely an over grown garden in his neighbor’s yard is a place of solitude in his eyes. He sat with the soil that dampened his feet and the hedges that loomed overhead. He marveled at what he hears – who knew silence could be so loud? [color=f9ad81] HOW DO YOU KNOW KETTLE?[/color] It was rare to see a living person inside a decaying maze, and even rarer to find one that didn’t try to stab him on sight. Kettle was the first face he had seen in days that was not just a pile of bones. She sat next to a bonfire, roasting a meal, when he had crept close. Usually he would have shrug off such meetings and continue on his way unnoticed; however, Kettle has uncanny intuition. She noticed him in an instant and invited him to share the fire. He has to admit – Kettle wasn’t such a bad companion to have when navigating through the unknown. [color=f9ad81]WHY DID KETTLE PICK YOU?[/color] His charismas may not have won him anything, but his experience certainly did. Having traversed numerous mazes and lived to tell the tale, Aloe is a capable navigator and scout. It helps that he’s both small and nimble to maneuver his way through tight spaces. [color=f9ad81] HOW DO YOU KNOW [b]NEL STEVENS[/b]?[/color] He had never met her. Heard of her? Unfortunately, yes. How could he have forgotten after her parents – the famous adventurers, Lenny and Henrietta Stevens – nearly drove him crazy with talks of their child? As much as he tried to ditch them in the caverns (the place he accidentally encountered them), their curious spirits (and talk of food) kept him in place – as well as the need to finish marking the right path out of here. Overall, they were nice people... [@Darcs] [color=f9ad81]HOW DO YOU KNOW [b]LEON MARQUISE[/b]?[/color] It was quite a while ago. The hunter nearly killed him in a stone ruins, is what he did. Aloe was minding his own business, making marks along the walls, until an earthshattering roar made him break his chalk. As the earth trembled, he looked to the corridor -- to see a giant beast running at him while Leon was on its tail, weapons in hand. It's kind of hard to survive if the Changeling have only few rocks to chuck at it. Let's just say it took a while for things to settle down... with a few broken walls and bruises on his person. [@SiliconColt]