[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6kXhjtQRjU[/youtube][/center] [b]11:30am district 4[/b] [center][i]Is anybody there, Does anybody care What I'm feeling? I wanna disappear so nobody can hear me when I'm screamin' Cus I could use a hand sometimes[/i][/center] The song erupted into the once quiet bedroom stirring Ada from her late night slumber. Tired groans and a series of back popping and arm stretching ensued. Numb flesh for hands found their way up to her glazed eyes and rubbed away whatever sleep that still lingered. [center][i]I am only human[/i][/center] [b]Click![/b] The song was shut off as Ada dismissed her alarm. No longer lying down, she swung her legs over her bedside her bare feet resting against the cool surface of the synthetic wood flooring. The motion alerted the room and lights illuminated the area automatically. The room was small with minimalist furniture to fill the room. [url=http://imganuncios.mitula.net/ilaa_kazan_3920115416017424502.jpg]A small but decently sized studio complex.[/url] Ada padded over to the plain dresser across from her bed which held all her clothing. She rummaged through the neatly piled clothes while pulling out what she will dress into for the evening. Once in the tiny bathroom, Ada showered and pondered about last night. [b]Last night 2:37am District 17[/b] Ada had finished up busting another dealer who gave her no useful information to further investigate the drug trade. She was on her way home when she heard the scream of a woman in a nearby apartment complex. She rushed over while arming herself with her glock that she usually hides away within her jacket, trying to figure out which apartment it had come from only to find a disheveled looking boy who looked no older than 8 alone and out on the street kneeling on the ground. Tears dripped down his dirty cheeks and when he noticed Ada, he reached out to her with pleading eyes. Just then, a man in his late forties ran out the complex wild eyes searching as he yelled obscenities she dared not repeat. It was evident to her that this man was the child's [i]father[/i], a concept the man will never understand. He beckoned for the child to return home, to [i]him[/i], only to be angered when the child cowered behind Ada. "Please.. don't let him take me.. It hurts..." Ada's eyes widened as she realized what kind of [s]man[/s] no.. beast this is. The hunger in his eyes were no different than those of a predator. "Get back here!" The beast of a man had pounced upon her only to crumple down to the ground at her feet. She had fired her police issued gun into his gut. Blood seeped out of him forming a pool larger by the second. It was when the child tugged at the woman's shirt did she snap out of it and radioed in to the nearest police department's channel. "Officer Fix of District 4's CID police force calling in for assistance." The local police came with the emergency paramedic unit trailing behind. They found the woman who screamed earlier and was identified as Circe Page, the child's mother and a woman known for sharing beds in exchange for drugs and money. The man was taken into district custody where he will be tried for assaulting an officer, he was identified as Shaun Page, the local drunk and all around asshole. The child was also taken into custody and had been placed into the foster care system due to not having any known living relatives. [b]Present Day 5:45pm District 13[/b] Ada had recently boarded off the subway and already she was on the receiving end of stares of ill will. Her lace up boots clacked against the dirty pavement as she strolled around the district. She tugged at her cropped [url=http://cdn.is.bluefly.com/mgen/Bluefly/eqzoom85.ms?img=308004001.pct&outputx=583&outputy=700&level=1&ver=1]leather jacket[/url] to keep her glock [url=http://thewellarmedwoman.com/image/data/products/magills/tank-white-large-print-size.jpg]hidden[/url] while holstered to her tank top. Her ensemble was complete with a pair of black stockings beneath her faded green cut-off shorts. She carried no purse or clasp, it only served her as nothing more than a hindrance. Her pockets were sufficient enough to carry her valuables. It was only a matter of minutes when Ada found her way to The Spit. As she neared, her step gained a swagger as she masked her once serious complexion with vibrant confidence and a lopsided smirk. She entered The spit with an altered ID that identified her as Evelyn Dion of District 9, the border district as some have called it. The bouncer had recognised Evelyn with her trademark smirk and dyed tipped hair. He waved her in not caring if she was alpha or not as long as she paid for her drinks that may or may not be overpriced. Evelyn had entered just in time to catch the infamous Darth knocking some other man out cold. Just as she sat at the bar to order herself a drink, the man next to her eyed her up and down before he chuckled taking a sip of his beer. "Aren't you a little young to be here [i]sweetie[/i]?" Evelyn scoffed at the man and called out to one of the bartenders. "Hey! Lemme get that [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9Z3aII2jCo]Adios Motherf*cker![/url]" She smirked even wider as she glanced down at the man's drink. Of course it was beer as it was the designated goto drink but Evelyn had tastes for the harder shit. "I'll also be taking some shots with my new friend here! Straight vodka." She smirked at the man as he raised a brow at her. "Looks like daddy's little girl is all grown up now huh?" she chimed before laughing obnoxiously and a tad bit too loud.