[i]"Mike I'm clear, seems like most of the threat is dead or fleeing, we should set up over watch points and roll in some armor. We need to breach that warehouse."[/i] Prowler looked over, having turn its whole head to get the good camera into view. "glad to hear you and Blitzkrieg are up, but I don't think we, nor martens town have the troops and equipment to stop a runny nose right now." [i] "Mike, how do you wanna do this? You me and Adrian are damn near all that's left in our GEARS." [/i]Sahara said over the comes as blade cut in. [i]"Nawlin, Blade here. I'm okay, nothing wounded except my pride. My Harlock is a write-off, but it kept me safe. I'm moving to your position now, over".[/i] mike said, resting the rifle skyward on his shoulder, safely pointed away from the recovering friendly forces, waving every so often to them with his free hand. "Poor bastards, braver then me without this suit, get paid less too" he muttered to himself, more than once he stopped prowler and blitzkrieg as a stretcher wove its way around the debris. "We follow the C.O. and then we improvise." mike said as turned a corner. "keep moving, and destroy anything that dares to take us on" he said cocking prowlers head. "Do that, and we just might make it home." Prowler shrugged. "now If you mean a battle plan, in this situation, since sniping and sabotauge is out of the question, my standby is getting in close, and beating the ever living crap out of them... I think that might be why I'm not in charge..." [i]"I'm fine; just a little shocked and stunned."[/i] Irry's slightly disjointed voice floated over COMs. "don't scare me like that mam." Nawlin replied relieved. "see you when you come back down" [i]"Adrian! Hey answer me! C'mon man talk to me!" [/i]Aihara yelled as blitzkrieg took off into a loping run, mike dropping prowlers rifle as he followed suit, providing cover for the two. mike called as he scanned around them, turning a quarter turn every few moments. Mike winced inwardly for the COM staff listening on the line, no doubt they were crawling the walls on the Claw, The CO, his assistant and the team medic were all scrapped and dismounted, one member unconscious, and the two remaining gears were lucky to be mobile, let alone battle ready. mike battled inwardly on whether to ditch the over watch, and help Aihara or not, but luckily blade showed up and took over. [i] "It's okay,". "We can do it. Take a step back for a second," [/i]a few moments later Mike heard the hatch blow, whipping prowler around towards the explosion, but keeping the rifle high as a medical convoy came rolling up. Blade waved at mike as the medics began climbing up the wrecked gear. [i]Nawlin! Gimme a lift. We oughta head over t' the warehouse and see what the situation is." [/i]"Aye Sir, LDF taxi service, all aboard!" mike replied as he knelt down, slinging prowler's rifle and extending an arm. "personnel seating is located on the left and right shoulders, to the inside of the guns." as the two climbed into position, prowler stood slowly, and started towards the warehouse. "those in the left side of the GEAR are requested to monitor their side, as the pilots left camera is not functioning at this time. please remain seated until the GEAR has come to a complete stop and thank you for traveling LDF Taxi, where we walk, for you!"