Lance stared at her, not quite believing his ears. His conscious was warning him to reject her offer, but the words that came out of his mouth were the opposite. [color=00aeef]"I don't mind...but are you sure about this?"[/color] He couldn't understand why, but somewhere deep inside him he knew that he would need her this time for the quest, which was similar to the gut feeling he had when Bill died before his cowardly self. He shook his head - he was probably thinking too much again. "Lance?" A female voice from behind pulled him out of his inner torment. He turned - and looked straight into the bright green eyes of Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the current host for the Oracle of Delphi. "Chiron told me to expect just you, so I wasn't expecting you to bring your girlfriend too." [color=00aeef]"Rachel, [i]please[/i]."[/color] She laughed at the rising color on the Chinese boy's face. "Joking. C'mon in."