[b]Name:[/b] Subject ID: 562 / "Johnny Volatile" by the security team / [i]Johnny[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Give me fire][img]http://i.imgur.com/XxxRZsI.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 6'1 / 205 - 6'2 / 215 with powers at max capacity [b]Personality:[/b] Subject 562's emotional levels show a consistent correlation with the use of his abilities. Whilst in Lockdown, Johnny displays a shy, quiet demeanor. Generally keeping to himself unless otherwise confronted by a peer subject, often found in the study hall reading historic tales of adventure. While in a group environment, Johnny displays a proficient ability to carry normal social conversation, showing the occasional bit of humor in moments of relaxation. There is a dramatic change in behavior when testing and completing simulations in The Box. Vast spikes in confidence, humor and borderline braggadocio are on full display, earning him the nickname Johnny Volatile by certain members of security and the observation team, one time proclaiming his love for a "great llama". These traits remain for quite some time after trials are complete and 562 has entered his "cooldown" phase, where he reverts to normal behavior. [b]Powers/Skills:[/b] Subject 562 possesses the ability to manifest high intensity flames on his forearms, manipulating them into his hands to create projectiles (eg: bolts of flame, rifts of fire) and even the ability to coat his entire body in fire. 562 also possesses an extreme tolerance to heat, both of his own and of the surrounding environment. There have been remarkable changes to the subject's physique and physical abilities correlated to the intensity of the flames manifested by him. Instances of increased speed, strength and agility have all been recorded and verified, as well as increased height and muscle mass. [b]Other:[/b] [url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgpp6xnqMg0 [/url]