Gorrendil peered around the trunk of the great, tall oak tree. It's branches strutted out and he almost, embarrassingly, hit himself in one of the branches. He was leaning onto a tree in the middle of a little bundle of tree's where a clearing would be found. The clearing was quite small and the Baron would not be able to dodge very well in the space. Although, it was a very good hiding place. He checked Redemption for the umpteenth time, checking for any faults in the gun. He also checked that his mask was sealed shut for the match. A Krieg mask and suit is lined with Darthium plating, a flexible and strong metal used for easy manoeuvrability. It is quite light armour so it cannot protect you from the fatal hits. The Baron checked his scope, checking the range of the thermal imaging. The arena's usually messed with his equipment and especially advanced tech like the thermal imaging. It had a very small range in thermal and it wasn't very useful except for tracking. He turned to his right only to see a heat signature 20 feet away, hiding behind multiple trees. The President calmed down his nerves, breathing slowly before aiming to take the shot. He was in a standard standing pose, the stock of his gun on his shoulder with he head resting on the stock. He sank into the pose, relaxing for a better shot. He fired a short three round burst, the bullets going through the tree's. Knowing that his opponent will be able to dodge those bullets with ease, he disintegrated Redemption before bringing out his Gladius in a simple Tak'Fu stance. His left hand was a fist away from his face, palm facing the right. The tips of his left fingers were slightly above chin height. This was used for blocking and punching. His right hand chambered his sword, used for quick swipes. He was set in a simple and comfortable stance, both feet facing forward, back foot bent for stability and lunging while the front foot used for kicking.