[@White Feather] Okay how about this? Jack Daggerswift. Age: 12 Personality Positive traits:funny, calm and smart Neutral traits: smart Negative traits:sly, vengeful and violent Race: Half Brood: Anyone or thing that has Arachnid blood mixed in with its own. Weapons: Fang Katars. [Abilities] Invisibility: Able to become invisible 60 seconds. Blacken: Creates a thick mist that only jack can see through(nothing more to it other than its a defensive ability.) Story: Jack grew up with his family, Arin and Alice Daggerswift, who were monster hunters.When jack reached the age of twelve his family gave him the families prized weapon: the Arachnid Katars, ever since then he would hunt monsters and train. One day a band of strangers called the Dark hellions abducted jack, he awoke in a strange place he had known about, he saw scars on his arms as well as hundreds of dead Shadowleg spiders, he woke up the next morning thinking it was a dream, an hour later he fell unconscious and had visions of the same place.He then awoke in the middle of town and saw it in ruins, the people were slaughtered, houses were cuts in pieces and he was right in the thick of it.After that day he never looked back and always kept running as if something were after him, never knowing what ungodly things were done to him that night. Effects of Shadowleg blood. Sickness: sometimes his crossed blood "argues"with itself which would make jack somewhat sick, however a simple nap would fix the problem. Stealth: Jack is very stealthy. Bloodlust: Every few weeks jack grows hungry for blood, which is when he would storm off to kill an animal or his enemies. [@White Feather] One more thing:Jack has no idea why his blood was crossed or why it was, In fact: he is unaware that was crossed at all.