[b]AUDREY[/b] [b]”Nothing…Just checking that you were okay.”[/b] [i]Likely story,[/i] Audrey thought narrow-mindedly. Father told her about people from Beta, people like her and the lower district rabble. They were addicted to their drugs and their situation, he would say. She didn’t want to admit that her father’s stereotypical portrayal was correct. As an economics student, interested and genuinely concerned with the financial recovery of the lower districts, she wanted to believe that Beta’s were prey to their environment – not the predators. [b]”I can show you out and help you hail a ride if you like,”[/b]the matted girl offered from a distance Audrey didn’t realize she created. [b]“If not, I’ll clear off.” [/b] The wooden floorboard creaked under Audrey’s shifting weight. Any suspicion quickly fizzled away in the presence of Vander’s generosity. She felt a sickness creep inside of her, tasting its sour tang on her tongue – if that was possible. It suddenly felt like a rude and embarrassing reaction, and Audrey was glad that Vander’s gaze was averted. More bodies filtered into the murky backdrop of the bar without care for the conversation on the stairs. Their applause boomed near the caged arena and carried over the constant hum of boisterous conversation. The previous slaughter, only minutes old, hadn’t fazed The Spit’s patrons even slightly. “What kind of awful place is this? That man – he’s butchering people like meat! Why don’t you stop him?” The girl asked with a misplaced accusatory tone.