Though Carson couldn't have known the fate that had befallen his blonde acquaintance, he noticed her absence to his side very quickly. When she failed to appear in the mess hall along side him, he felt some sort of sadness grip him. There was no good life outside of here and he found himself becoming more and more aware of that as the moments pressed on. He knew that beyond wherever this was, the girl was as good as dead and he felt that very strange ache in his chest again, the same one that had gripped him at the sight of the twins lying lifeless on the floor of a cafe. He couldn't stop seeing it, he couldn't stop smelling the blood. He pushed the stunningly clear image out of his mind with as much force as he could muster. He didn't want to think about anything that had to do with this anymore and he found himself rearranging focus to the table that harbored a man with a beard, a girl with dark hair and a boy that he vaguely recognized as a DJ that he'd never officially met. He wouldn't have even recognized the guy at all if he hadn't frequented so many parties and he wondered if he had just showed up too. He definitely looked confused enough--also a tad pissed off but Carson guessed it had something to do with the carnage of what looked to be a once-living electronic lying on the ground. He studied the table silently for a moment before stepping forward, his steps felt weighted and it wasn't a kind sensation. He felt like there were rocks tied to his ankles and he ignored it as he made his way to the table, with some reluctance, he slid into a seat at the far end. He still felt kind of disgruntled and he couldn't seem to get a grip on himself long enough to work through this but he focused his attention to the man he assumed was Delta. He breathed in through his nose and exhaled through his mouth a few times. It was enough to keep him from hyperventilating and he took that as a good sign to start talking. He had caught only an edge of their conversation, something about him being able to vouch for Phi's cruelty. He also-regretfully managed to catch Epsilon appearing soon after and the wound starting to gape on his lower abdomen again, it made him grimace slightly despite himself and he didn't have time to ask him if he needed any help. He didn't know why he cared so much, he guessed he just didn't want to see anyone else in pain. He also knew that if his father had seen that wound then he would have thrown a giant fit about how irresponsible it was to try to stitch that up on his own. He couldn't help but thinking about that. He really had to stop worrying about things that weren't his problem. He tugged his mind away from the man with the pastel mohawk and the bad stitching skills and instead turned it back to the table. "[color=00a651]I'm Carson,[/color]" he introduced himself through a thick swallow and a half-hearted smile, gathering together every tiny bit of social etiquette that he had. He straightened his spine and folded one leg over the other. It was easy to be social, it even managed to smooth his mood enough that he didn't break down sobbing and gasping with dread. He knew that his brain was probably saving that for another time, probably the wrong time, he decided not to think about it but he pitied whoever was around to see it happen. He hoped they had a lot of patience. "[color=00a651]You must be Delta, it's nice to meet you and-[/color]" He let his gaze find Justin, "[color=00a651]Yeah, man. You really don't want to mess with Phi, like, I mean, unless you're feeling like death is a favorable outcome for your life thus far but-[/color]" a single eyebrow lowered, pale blue eyes flickering. "[color=00a651]You seem pretty smart, I'd consider sticking around. They don't seem so bad here. Not that I really know them but I've seen worse environments.[/color]" The snort that escaped him was soft, his freckled nose wrinkling slightly with amusement as he turned his eyes back to Delta. The man was tattooed and bearded, he wondered what he was like and if he was anything like his shadow-bearing partner in crime. He wondered if he'd have to worry about this man badly stitching his wounds up and he qualmed the thought before he could start thinking of infections again. Today was really a roller coaster and not a very fun one at that. "[color=00a651]Epsilon said you'd fill me in on everything. I don't have too many questions anymore- I guess I kind of just want to hear what this is all about.[/color]"