Welcome to a world full of possibilities. Welcome to a world full of adventure. Welcome, to the world of Aincrad! [img]http://www.swordart-online.net/aincrad/intro/img/bg.jpg[/img] This RP is based around people who join the same school. All the players will have a character on this school. Each character gets a copy of a new game, called Aincrad: Remastered Edition, or ARE for short. They only know about eachother buying the game and what their persona's are if they told eachother about this. The game takes place on a floating castle in the sky, with 100 floors. As far as the stats go, you don't have to worry about that: There are none. Your strength will be measured by your skill, not by your stats. However, there is a leveling system: every floor you beat, you gain one level. Say you beat floor 1, then you go to floor 2 and with that to level 2. Every second level starting from 3 (so every 2 floors you beat) will give you the option to get another skill! Talking about skills, here is the skill tree: [hider=link instead of image because of size][url]http://oi58.tinypic.com/30beq2p.jpg[/url][/hider] As far as skill go, they make up your class. As you make your Persona, you will be able to choose one category from Melee, Range and Magic each. From there, you choose one subcategory. After you've chosen that, you choose if you want to wear Light, Heavy or Magic armor (benefits are below them, you don't have to choose between those yet). Once that is done, you choose 1 passive. Put that all together, and you have your character! Now, some rules: [hider=make sure to read these!][list] [*] Basic RPGuild rules apply. Means no Godmodding, Powerplaying or any of that. [*] No OOC conflicts. I want this RP to be peaceful (OOC that is). [*] Don't do anything that would get you banned in a real RPG, like glitching items. [*] Avoid One-Liners. This is Casual for a reason, and I understand if it happens once or twice, but don't make it frequent. [*] Whait at least 2 posts before posting again. Nobody likes spammers. [*] Don't ask for airships, or they will never happen. You know who you are. [*] Be active. It's okay if you are unable to respond for a week or more, but alert us in advance so we can act like your character was grounded or something alike. If after a week you have not responded and you didn't notify us, you will be kicked out and need to get back in line. [*] Post your CS in the OOC before getting accepted. Once that is accepted, put it in the Characters tab. [*] Use common sense. If you don't have a good working brain, then how did you even get here? [*] Rules can be added any time, and you have to follow these all the time. [/list][/hider] Next, it is time for the Character Sheet! [hider=just copy everything inside here for your CS and replace everything with {}] [noparse][center][img]{put image link here}[/img] [b]Name:[/b] {put here the IRL name of your character} [b]Gender:[/b] {Male or Female?} [b]Age:[/b] {Between 12 and 18} [b]Personality:[/b] {How does he/she act? Remember this is IRL and not In-Game} [b]Biography:[/b] {Not necessary, as you could just be an average guy/girl} [b]Other:[/b] [b]In-Game Character:[/b] [hider={put here the In-Game name}] [center][img]{put image link here}[/img] [b]Name:[/b] {put here the In-Game name as well} [b]Gender:[/b] {gender of the character} [b]Race:[/b] {might need some more explanation if not human.} [b]Personality:[/b] {How does he/she act? This is In-Game and not IRL} [b]Current Loadout:[/b] {use this to change your loadout as you progress. Everyone starts with something similar to [/noparse][url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/swordartonline/images/2/22/Kirito_Avatar_ACD_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20120809064729]this[/url][noparse] as armor and a basic melee weapon that falls under the category you choose at your skills} [b][i]Skills:[/i] Melee:[/b] {Which form of melee combat from the Skill Tree did you choose? Also specify the subcategory} [b]Range:[/b] {Which form of ranged combat from the Skill Tree did you choose? Also specify the subcategory} [b]Magic:[/b] {Which form of Magic from the Skill Tree did you choose? Also specify the subcategory} [b]Armor Type:[/b] {Which armor type from the Skill Tree did you choose?} [b]Auras:[/b] {Only add one to these if you have one.} [b]Crafting:[/b] {Only add one to these if you have one.} [b]Gathering:[/b] {Only add one to these if you have one.}[/center][/hider][/center][/noparse][/hider] Also, here are the starter spells: [hider=Spell list] Spells will be learned by tomes, and executed by saying the word you learned from the tome. Because Skyrim rules, we use [url=https://www.thuum.org/translate.php]Dovahzul[/url] to use spells. [hider=Known Fire Spells] Fireball (Does small amount of damage and leaves an afterburn effect, that damages with the time, more effective against light armored targets): [i]Yol[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Water Spells] Bubbles (Does small amount of damage and slows a bit): [i]Diipah[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Ice Spells] Freeze (Slows movement and attack of opponent for few seconds (depending on magic level how long)): [i]Diin[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Lightning Spells] Thunderbolt (Does small amount of damage and leaves an aftershock effect, that damages with the time, more effective against Heavy Armor): [i]Thul[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Air Spells] Gust (Does small amount of damage while knocking back the opponent a bit): [i]Suraas[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Arcane Spells] Energy Ball (does more damage then other spells but no other effects): [i]Uv[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Illusionary Spells] Confusion (fires a ball off towards an opponent that will confuse the target and makes the target attack randomly around it): [i]Jeydahk[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Necromancy Spells] Rise (Rises 1 weak undead minion out of the ground that will help you): [i]Alok[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Healing Spells] Basic Selfheal (Heals yourself a bit): [i]Vahraan[/i] [/hider] [hider=Known Clearvoyance Spells] Detect (Know the armor type of your enemy): [i]Koraavut[/i] [/hider] More to come later. [/hider] Here come the game mechanics! [hider=more details to be added] - Shields can't be chosen as starting gear - Choosing ‘Hunter’ will grant more chance for craftable drops (Otherwise nobody has the edge of others in terms of drop chance) - Forging is a combination of quality of forge, hammer, material and skill level. Acts as a 5 minute mini game - Party drop systems are defaulted to ‘Roll for loot’. Players roll between 1-100 to obtain the loot. Highest roll wins. - Cosmetics and some pets will be available in the cash shop, along with some DLC missions which will be added later. - Certain gathering skills can be used on certain mobs in the field to obtain materials. Eg, Farming skills can be used on sheep to gain wool. - Normal fights against minions you can just do as much as you want, just make it a bit realistic. Mini Bosses are the same, but remember that they are mini bosses for a reason. Floor bosses I (NightmareInd) will control. Also remember, it's no shame to die. It's an MMO after all. RPvNPC (Roleplayer versus Non-Playing Character), which is basicly PvP against neither of us, equals a mini boss, but RPvRP (Roleplayer versus Roleplayer), which is PvP against one or multiple of us, will be a collab post. - Magic spells are obtained via Tomes, which are rare drops, sold in certain shops or earned from quests. These are tradeable and sellable. Everyone starts with 1 basic magic spell. - Elemental weapons can be forged. Elemental buff spells upon weapons will be added later. - Spells are cast by saying it’s name in Dovahzul - Spells can be cast whilst on the move, unless it’s a powerful spell (with a long name) - Currently, Floor 2 introduces ranged weapons, and Floor 3 new combat possibilities with the skills that are going to be unlocked. - You cannot be hurt within towns. - To perform a power attack, just focus your energy on your weapon, make it glow, then attack the opponent. - You have Hostile, Neutral and Timid mobs. Hostile will attack you on sight, and have a red icon above their head when you look straight at them. Neutrals only attack when you attack them first or an ally and have a orange icon. Timids will always try to run away from you once spotted and have a blue icon.[/hider] And last but not least: the Frequently Asked Questions. [Hider=FAQ] Q: Are there going to be races apart from humans? A: Yes, all humanoid races that I find not OP and fit the theme are acceptable. Q: Are there going to be airships? A: If you stop asking about it there will. Q: How many people can join this? A: Around 10 people max. Q: What is Anti-Power? A: Anti-Power is a style of unarmed combat where the user blocks bloodlines, relaxes the muscles, destroys the chi, whatever you want to call it, to weaken the opponent. This means that by a few hits your opponent gets some debuffs like lower regeneration. Q: What is Clearvoyance? A: Clearvoyance is a Light-Magic skill that makes you able to determine enemy stats and skills in advance. This is especially good for scouts, as they can warn for strong incoming enemies. Q: I want to join this. Is this full? A: As long as it says Apply on top of the topic, it is open. Right now it is full because a lot of people already reserved a spot at the interest check, so only they can still join. Q: I have an idea for a weapon, can my character have it? A: Yes, after a certain point in the RP, people can either forge or pick up unique weapons. If you want to reserve such weapon: PM me. Q: I don't want a range skill. Can I leave it open? A: No, Range skills are required to have 1 of them. You don't have to actually use the skill, but you need to have one just to make sure you don't use other ranged weapons when you are just in the mood to use them. Q: I want multiple passives, but I can only get 1. What do I do? A: Don't worry, Passives can be achieved after every skill upgrade. However, you start off with just one to make it a bit more fair.[/hider]