[b][h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2][/b] The visions swamped him and nearly knocked him off his feet for a moment, he could see another world opening before him and he could hear Jason's voice drifting in and out of his mind. This was stunning, like a horrifying interactive movie, it was enough to set his hair on end and he didn't understand how someone could have a power like this and still need anybody else. This was the most amazing power he'd ever seen. Here he was thinking that invisibility was cool and this guy comes along. He was far too in awe of everything that was happening and he was nearly startled into silence when the illusions fell. He [i]was[/i] startled, he was startled enough that he was staring at Jason with wide eyes. When the card was handed to him, he folded his fingers around it and pressed it into his pocket lightly, he was still staring. He couldn't see to snap- The door swung open with the girl from one of his tables and he realized she was leaving. It was enough motivation to stop staring at Jason like a gaping idiot and he nodded quickly, his vibrant blue eyes flickering curiously. He knew the plan sounded sane, people had been stirring for awhile and he knew that the woman had been a good example of that. He knew his boss didn't care about powers but he also knew that it didn't matter what his boss cared about when it came down to it. He knew that if something built up then after some time it would have to come out, right now the world was a badly built dam for super powered people and he was on the other end with Jason and everyone else who'd been given a gift. Nodding avidly now, he took in a deep breath. "[color=6ecff6]I'll give you a call,[/color]" he headed back into the cafe and swung into the back to grab his now lukewarm chicken tenders. Marla arched her eyebrows at him. He arched his sarcastically back and he headed out, the girl seemed to have left her brother. Naturally Adrien ran through a list of people he'd passed in highschool and couldn't place the guy. That was fine by him, he hated everyone in highschool. He wondered if he'd be over stepping his boundaries to join him but he disregarded the thought and efficiently nudged the other set of food to the side and put down his plate. It was a very abrupt motion and it made a sharp obnoxious clank that caused Adrien to wince slightly but he settled down in the seat that Mallory had once occupied. "[color=6ecff6]I haven't eaten all day,[/color]" he explained needlessly and offered a bright smile, "[color=6ecff6]Constantly surrounded by cooking food and all be damned if you ate any of it. I-I'm sorry. This is a weird way of greeting someone. I'm Adrien and I'm still on break so-[/color]" He gestured at the chilled food and shrugged, picking at a chicken tender and meticulously peeling the skin from it and stuffing it into his mouth. He swallowed and shrugged nervously. "[color=6ecff6]What's your name?[/color]"