EDWARD When the cell doors opened, Fidget, a Guard so designated by Edward because of his many nervous tics, and because (and unbeknownst by Edward) his face was always reminiscent of a Pablo Picasso painting due to his severe nervousness, kept his eye on the passing mutant prisoners as they made their way to the Mess Hall for Meal Time, but his attention was quickly diverted from the masses as Stomper, a Guard who loved to assault the inmates with his combat boots, dragged Nathan into the middle of the cell block. NATHAN When the doors opened, Nathan was still trying to recover from the electrical surge generated by the baton, sweating and giving off a one liner to Isabel, until the guard designated as Stomper, and the one that Nathan had pissed in front of, and insulted his mother, charged into their cell. "Inmate 472-235," he directed at Isabel, I say this only once: Do not intervene," he growled from underneath his face-plate, and then he proceeded to drag Nathan out into the cell block, not caring that it was starting to fill up with frightened and hungry inmates. "Everyone pay attention!" He declared and dropped Nathan at his feet, "because Inmate number 628-426 has a little spunk in him," he paused and slammed his baton into Nathan's side, "AND," he started to yelled, "SPUNK. WILL. NOT BE TOLERATED!" he declared, in between words he slammed the night stick into Nathan's body, harder and harder every time. When he was done, he raised his weapon above his head, "how does it feel?" He asked, himself breathing heavily, "how does it feel knowing I have the power to kill you, and to make fun of your mother? How does it feel knowing I can piss on you in front of everyone?" Without waiting for an answer, he got down to Nathan's face and screamed with all of his might, "HOW DOES IT FEEL?!" ERIS "Inmate number 374-7, this does not concern you," the guard who had approached their cell spoke to Eris, "now make your way to the Mess Hall for Chow Time, if you brown nose again, you'll join that thing," he threw a thumb behind him at the scene in the hallway. CHRIS "Inmate number 247-47," the guard said stepped aside, motioning for him to join the scene in the hallway, "we were made aware of the events that had transpired upon your capture, and your loyalties were tested then, as they shall be now," "We are aware of your mutant abilities, and that mechanism on your wrist grants you just enough power to do one of two things and cement those loyalties. You could give Mr. Guard enough strength for one final blow to the inmate, granting him a swift death, or you could give enough strength to said inmate so that he can survive this encounter and go to the Mess Hall, though that choice would erase any privileges of Vet Office visitations. So I ask you this, where do your loyalties lie?" ISABEL While everyone was filing out of their cells, either watching the 21st century flogging, or heading to the Mess Hall, Isabel was left with a front row seat to the torture of a young man who had a hand in attempting to rescue her, and now the roles were reversed. Would she use what little power and strength she could muster and save Nathan? Or would she obey her captors and keep her head down by heading to the Mess Hall? WALT Walter was knocked unconscious by the guards when they hit him in the head, or so they had believed. Even with the Dampened Bracelet on, he had a pretty hard noggin. So he stayed limp, which wasn't all that hard as he watched birds circle his head and the stars manifest in his eyes, his ears could hear the whispers from his fellow prisoners as they recognized him, revealing to others that he was the reason they were all here. That couldn't be, Walter tried to say, but no words or movement came from his mouth, all he did wrong was kill a couple of guards at the rave, and that was in an attempt to rescue Isabel. Maybe that was it, could it be that Isabel wasn't as innocent as the scenario showed itself? But Walter couldn't think much more of the subject as a wave of ice water fell over him, waking him back up. He tried to wipe it away, but found himself to be chained to a cold metal chair, sitting before a cold metallic table. The room he couldn't see beyond a foot though as all the light was directed at him. "Well look at that, our VIP is awake," a voice said beyond the darkness, "Go to Hell," Walter said and spit on the table, The man beyond the shadows laughed as a Guard behind Walter slammed his face into the table, "Oh Wally," he said and clapped his hands, "is that any way to speak to your father?"