The Alamo was surrounded by flames as it hit Teta's atmosphere, its heat shields holding up effortlessly against the reentry temperature of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Those inside would have barely noticed the difference as they exited the vacuum of space thanks to the advancements of technology over the past several centuries. The Alamo touched down on one of the many landing pads inside the towering walls of the Imperial fortress, gathering the attention of a few nearby engineers and officers. John was the first to step off the ramp that had lowered from the bottom of the hull. [color=ed1c24]"You rang,"[/color] he said, looking at the most important looking man nearby. [color=c4df9b]"You with Starfire?"[/color] the man asked, the insignia on his uniform showing his rank as colonel. The only response he got from John was a short nod. [color=c4df9b]"Alright then, follow the warrant officer here. He'll take you to the Babylon,"[/color] he responded, signaling toward another nearby Imperial officer. The warrant officer saluted toward the colonel before turning and leading whoever from Raptor Squad wanted to follow to their contractors. As the group approached the familiar site of a Yamikov-Fujikawa transport ship, the team's escort stopped and pointed. [color=f7941d]"The captain is right over there, speak to him for further details,"[/color] he explained before leaving to take care of other duties, most likely defensive preparations for the incoming XRF forces. The Babylon IV's captain looked like any other civilian you'd pass on the street, completely unremarkable in any way, shape, or form. However, it was quite obvious that the man was extremely agitated. An incoming, large-scale attack will usually do that to a person. [color=6ecff6]"H-hello, I'm Captain Garret Dewitt. Are you the mercenaries hired to protect us?"[/color] he asked timidly. [color=ed1c24]"Sure are. Is all the cargo aboard? We ready for take-off?"[/color] John replied. [color=6ecff6]"Y-yeah, we're all set. Just wai-"[/color] he began, before the sound of a large explosion drowned him out. The XRF's siege had begun. Captain Dewitt ran for his life toward the open ramp that led up to Babylon IV. Meanwhile, John, completely unfazed by the sounds of battle, turned towards the rest of Raptor Squad. [color=ed1c24]"I suggest at least three people join him to protect the Babylon from boarders. Everyone else head back to the Alamo before one of those mortar shells gets us or the ship. Let's move it people!"[/color] he ordered before sprinting back the way they came.