The Prophecy [hider=Geros] [img][/img] Name - Geros Gender - Male Birthday - He doesn't talk about it much Age - 314 (Or so it is believed to be) Height - 174 cm Weight - 64 kg Affiliation - CotD Species - Human / Demon Blood At times its as if the whole world is blind, people believing that their meaningless lives will continue in this doomed existence. Well in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king, and we the council can see. But I am not sure, I have done this dance before and found my partners to be lacking. They thought they knew me, no one truly knows me. Many will make the claim that they do but in truth they only know my earthly shell. My soul is between myself and the Reaper. But I digress. I was raised in the company of mercenaries, not very successful ones at that, they did however give me the right ideas when it came to power. So, I sought power. And no where does power run more freely than hell, it was simply a matter of being more clever then the current demon rabble, once I had power it was a simple matter of keeping it. All real challenge behind me I looked to the long term, that's where this new council came in. My fellow council members can see the inevitable that this blind world does not, what we do now we do not just to survive, but to flourish. The past has its place, do not ask of mine. [hider=Hints] Geros is one of the council masters. Specifically the Demonologist master/tutor. A large part of the mystery surrounding Geros is because he rarely interacts with people outside of the higher ranks of the council or his students. As far as anyone can tell he spends his days locked in a personal library, research. [/hider] [/hider]