[img]http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj272/DCGameFreak/DCMarvel/IronManLogo.png~original[/img] Tony Stark even after having called the King of a nation a little girl essentially, could still feel Doom's eyes trying to kill him through glares. He didn't care one bit, he hoped Doom felt offended because frankly Tony was offended by Doom's mere existence. He had seen the reports about how Latervia was practically living in the 19th century, barely any electricity, no vehicles, nothing that Doom himself had access too and of course plenty of in stock. For someone who claimed to be about peace he sure loved not sharing a dime with people who somehow still defended him through and through. Whatever he put into the drinking water to brainwash them must be potent stuff.... As Tony paused with Pepper to listen to their long time friend give her speech it was clear something had gotten to her. She couldn't be nervous about this, it wasn't the first time he's seen her speak and she never had a problem with it. This time though she seemed rattled somehow. Especially when she said 'Asgard'. What the heck is an asgard? Well Stark had an idea at first, but the immature part of his brain was quickly silenced. When Victoria was finished and left the stage Tony just gave a simple “Well that... was weird...” Before Pepper got excited about Mariah Carey being covered by the band. Joy. Still Stark went along with it for now, thinking internally if he can catch one of the band members and perhaps bribe them to play some David Bowie or something like that. Suffragette City always made for good ballroom dancing, at least Tony thought so. “Listen Pepper, quick question, feel free to answer how you want.” Tony started into as the two swayed and moved to the music. “If I was to ask how your current career field was looking right this moment, what would you say?” Pepper looked a bit confused at Tony as he twirled her out and back in. “Well Tony, I might have something lined up at a clothes store, why?” Pepper asked curious. “Well go ahead and can that, I need someone to be a receptionist at my place of work. Believe me you'll be paid quite well for the work.” Tony stated casually. “You don't have to decide right away, just come by the building tomorrow and we can talk more there.” Meanwhile though, as the two danced away, some space away stood a man, dressed equally sharp, his bald head glinting just a little in the lights of the room as he watched Tony hiding a look of disdain for the young CEO. He turned back seeing Doom nearby and decided that the time was right to go with the plan. Carefully and with a proper bow he stood in front of the ruler of Latervia. “My dear sir, I am humbled to be in your presence and hope maybe I can get a moment of your time. My name is Obadiah Stane, executive with Stark... Tech.” He had to force that last part out, as it hurt him to even consider it. “I suppose I should apologize for the CEO's rather... pathetic nature. However I wish to perhaps offer something that might be better than any mere apology. A deal if you're willing to hear it.”