The Arbitrator cursed this hives abnormal design and layout, as Atreides could now hazard a guess as to how non hive worlders would feel about being utterly and totally lost in what most would consider such an alien environment. While the man did not allow panic to set in or concern, he did note his newfound surroundings. This included a merchant, peddler of whatever goods he would offer. Normally, he would have not even paused by such a place and kept walking, having the might of the Arbites behind him as he walked the streets as an enforcer of the Imperial Law. However, under the guise he currently maintained, he hardly had the ability to be picky or snobbish about where he got his aid and resources from now. After all, he couldn't just go to the nearest Arbites post and requisition what he required anymore. That would not work in an undercover operation. So when the man spoke, the Arbitrator nodded and approached the stand, making no movements that could be considered hostile. No sense tempting fate in that regard. He spoke to the man, undisturbed by the appearance. Most down hivers tended to look that way after a lifetime of living deep away from the surface and sun, he himself was hardly one to look like they saw the surface at all. [color=0076a3]"Perhaps you do, perhaps you do indeed, Syke I presume? Information, and perhaps tools, should you have either."[/color] The Arbitrator looked over the refuse and scavanged material before him, looking for anything of use or note in the underworld, or even stolen or looted Arbites equipment if it happened to grace this yard. He would have to barter equipment, but quality gear was worth its weight in Throne Gelt, to the right vendor. [hr] Approach and Speak with owner of Syke's Yard Analyze contents of 'Shop' for anything of use