"Great, I gotta follow this showoff?" Thena mumbled to herself while she was watching Rask make his little 'introduction'. The man didn't seem like a complete wimp, but he certainly seemed to be carrying himself as more than he actually was to her. "Guess it's needed, though... Considerin' some of the people 'ere." The elf was watching some of the ones following Rask down, noticably the female from before stood out. "Wait, what...?" Oh now THIS Thena had to see. It looked like she's straight from an elven noble's household, and SHE was going to adventure? The girl had guts, she did. The fighter made her way to and down the stairs as well, but couldn't help but feel the stares going through her as she did. Some people took notice of her, for whatever reason... [i]They looking to take out the competition...?[/i] Blood was a scent the fist fighter was used to by this point. Not only did she have to knock it out of people on a regular basis, but she's had a fair share of blood drained from her own body as well. The taste though... Now that was another story entirely. Everyone'd arrived in the basement, a few wooden chairs scattered around... And the 'Noble' had occupied one of them. Unforunatily, the seats around her seemed to have all been taken, so Thena wouldn't be able to get a good glance in. When that thought entered her head, however, that very same person shot [i]her[/i] a glance. More specifically, her clothes. The 'Noble' turned her head away as quickly as she used it to sneak a peak, but Thena had still noticed. "Takin' an interest to the way I dress m'self, huh? You're an odd one..." She mulled over those few words for a bit before taking a seat of her own, somewhere among the left edge. Rask took out some kind of coin and began toying with it, but Thena could care less. Prolly some sorta initiation test, looking for those whose eyes are glued to it. [color=#ffb400]"Introduce yourselves now, I will learn names but only of those who interest me. Also, I hope you all brought your weapons, there is definately tests."[/color] Rang out. Not too short after... [color=#cd3d11]“I am Rekugin… archer and swordsman.”[/color] Followed. And then everyone spoke up at once, much to Thena's annoyance. None of them seemed to have any patience, save a few, and swarms of names got lost in the ruckus. It died down on it's own though, and then 'Noble' girl took her time. But before she could even usher a full sentence, an idiot found it a crackin' idea to interrupt her and slow down things even more with roaring laughter. The female's introduction did eventually come to a close, and much to the actual fighter's expectations, she wasn't a fighter at all. The name also seemed oddly regal, only furthering the suspicion she's of a higher caliber than your average Joe. [i]Hope those other talents are useful, Wretha...[/i] Thena thought to herself, before silence took over the room again. She figured it was her time to speak, and rose up out of her chair to stretch a bit. "Name's Thena, nothin' more and nothin' less. And if someone decides to take a crackshot like the little brat over there did, I'm not quite that afraid of letting someone get crushed under my boot. I'm a merceneray for a livin', and more to the point, I find your best weapon is your own two fists." What a mouthful, but it'd have to do. Thena glanced over to Wretha again, giving a sly smile before sitting down in her chair again, folded arms firmly secured under her chest.