Name, Rank: [indent]Oliver O'Hennessy, Lance Corporal[/indent] Psychological Assessment:[indent]By all regulatory standards of human mental health, Lance Corporal O'Hennessy is cleared for all military operations. He is astoundingly average compared to most volunteers and just seems like a regular person. Charismatic, friendly, and cooperative in most situations. Has shown some signs of simpathy for the Insurrection movement and is a known apologist, but is not at risk of going AWOL or becoming a turncoat.[/indent] Medical Record and Evaluation: [indent]Caucasian male with brown hair, hazel eyes. Twenty-nine years old with some minor scarring on his chest and stomach. Born in the outer colony of Second Base with no irregularities and to geneticly clean parents. O Negative. Some small arm and leg bone breaks as a child, but nothing that hasn't long healed by now. Several bullet wounds and stab wounds from incidents during his service as a Special Weapons and Tactica officer in Second Base's largest city. All healed, but has reported minor pain while trying to sleep. Currently at his estimated physical peak. Known to casually weightlift and go on early jogs. None of his recorded injuries seem to effect physical operation or pain resistance.[/indent] Career Service Vitae: [indent]Born and raised on Second Base, where he received a primary and secondary school education. Joined the local police academy at eighteen and became a Special Weapons and Tactics officer. Active officer during several riots and violent protests. Shown on his record that he would sometimes continue suppressing violent activity with several gun shot wounds. Nicknamed "Deadman" by superiors and comrades alike for his "extreme work ethic." Currently in training to become an Orbital Shock Drop Trooper for Delta-Seven operations. Recommended as a point man for said operations due to prior training. Claims that he, "knows a M45 Tactical like the back of his hand."[/indent]