Let me get some things straight. 1.isn't the millennium earl the only one capable of creating akuma? I mean yes, any given member of the noa family can give them orders. But I'm pretty sure the earl is in charge of making them. 2.I'm pretty sure a noa's power partly stems from their awakened noa gene. Not their stigmata, which are merely markings. Inaccuracies aside, 3. tyki mikk's choose ability is a little more OP than it used to be. You clearly stated that only holy stuff would affect him. Nothing else. So that rules out the Jigen Tou, which moves between dimensions. Allowing it to cut practically anyone, or anything. What the hell man. 4. So you're telling me that he could destroy a city with a single small rectangular piece of cardboard or whatever cards are made of? Damn. Just..... damn..... 5. Um, I'm 100% certain that akuma blood is the only dark matter reliant thing capable of eroding people. And while we're on the topic of the ribbons, apparently they too have the bullshittingly amped up choose ability. On the bright side though, this is probably more reasonable than Jerry T. "this isn't even my final form" Wirebeast. That's what I'm calling wirebeast from now on. But still. Nerf the new char.