[@GreivousKhan] It's kind of a post-post-apocalypse I suppose. Supplies are pretty much as rare as you want them to be (if you want to almost starve to death or constantly stumble over Fancy LadsĀ® Snack Cakes, either one is fine really), and if overdevelopment is a problem for you, there's the island of Ash, which I'm styling to be a lot like the Old West in many ways (complete with shootouts at high noon and cheesy named saloons). Obviously that's not exactly developed, seeing as it's been accessible for... a few months now? Another thing, as to the name of the group you're thinking of, while having a group of Merry Men would be fine, there's another group that originated from Wolfwater but now works across all Wintergold territory known as the Wolfwater Rangers (who are essentially NCR veteran rangers in terms of badassery, but without standardized gear). You might run into some naming troubles there, since the Wolfwater Rangers have something of a reputation, and simply hearing "Rangers" might cause some miscommunication. Not saying Wasteland Rangers is a bad name or anything, but it is something to consider I think.