With the group of Acolytes diminishing in size by the railhead, until only the Pysker Arkaeus and the Outcast Adrianna remained with the Soroitias, who stood off to the side in a most profound silence. The pair, believing they were being watched act out as if they are good friends, to belay any potential suspicions of those watching them. Nothing untoward happens, other than the surroundings growing steadily darker as the night cycle nears and the already small number of people around diminish even more so. [u][b]Arbitrator Alexander Atreides[/b][/u] [b][color=Moccasin]"Yes, you would be most right indeed, stranger. And we have for sale what you require... You see and hear many things down here, in the dregs. What sort of information are you looking for, exactly? And perhaps for the right price you can know what I know."[/color][/b] He says with a sly grin. As you look across his store front, most of it is, in a word, junk. However amidst the refuge, you see a battered looking hand cannon and an old autopistol with a rebuilt, but sturdy grip (+5 to BS using this weapon). When he sees you looking at said pistol, Sykes adds [color=moccasin][b]“star buy that one, one careless owner, regrettably now dead”[/b][/color] After he finishes, he perks up slightly, as do you. You hear a pair of footsteps sounding down the alley from which you came, heading in this direction. [u][B]Priest Rodrick and Vindicare Assassin Warmund[/b][/u] Meanwhile, our Priest Rodrick and the Assassin Warmund, an unusual pair certainly, outside of the Inquisition. Think it wise to follow the Arbites wherever he might have gone. The hails sent from Warmund over the vox channel, are met with only a static silence, even with the blood sacrifice. [b]Warmund[/b] and [B]Rodrick[/b] make a [b]Perception[/b] check. [b]Warmund[/b] needs: 41 (26+15 Awareness) [b]Warmund[/b] rolls 79. Fails [b]Rodrick[/b] needs: 49 (34+15 Awareness) [b]Rodrick[/b] rolls 17. Succeeds Had it not been for the Priest to guide Warmund, he too would have been lost to the sarcophagus of steel, metal and concrete around them. Following the tracks of Atreides' through the maze of alleys and walkways, the pair are a few minutes walk away from the Southern square where the railhead stands, however guiding ones way back would prove difficult without much guidance. Nevertheless, the pair approach down the alleyway, the Arbitrator's tracks lead down here, you hear a few, faint voices resounding from ahead. [u][b]Guardsmen Holand Tzofiatien[/b][/u] In a moment of indecision, the Guardsmen now finds himself staring at a closed metal and mesh gate, the two enforcers stand at either side, staring intently at you. Meanwhile, the small crowd has begun to disappear into the darkness of the hive. [b]Holand[/b] makes a [b]Perception[/b] check. [b]Holand[/b] needs: 39 [b]Holand[/b] rolls 31. Succeeds As you glance around, you spot the same man from before, dressed in a rather fine long coat. His back now towards you, as he proceeds along the main roadway towards the southern square with a slightly rushed stride in his step.