Name: Sky "Black Phoenix" Nightwing Age: 18 Birthday: Oct. 31st Magic: Heartbond Requip: Like most requippers, Sky can summon different weapons for different purposes. However, unlike most other requippers, his weapons are not just any special weapons that can be bought or found. The weapons Sky is able to summon are dependent on his bonds with others. This makes it difficult, though not impossible, to get new weapons easily. Current Weapons- Broken Bond: It appears as half a claymore when first summoned. Like this, it can control other normal weapons like puppets. However, when the blade is "reforged", he loses the puppet-like control of other weapons to increase his own strength and speed. This is the only weapon, so far, that can be duel wielded. Father's Care: Because of his bond with Solaris, Sky can summon this shortsword, the blade of which resembles a unicorn horn and the guard appearing to be a pair of wings, that can freeze the ground around him, throw flames from the blade or change where people see him. He prefers to call the last of those abilities "Afterimage." Tiny Sniper: Unlike his previous weapons, this one is a pistol with an extended barrel that can shoot time shots, each hit stunning the enemy for 3 seconds. Fighter's Pride: When he first calls this weapon, it appears as a pair of shoulder guards. However, with a bit of focus, he can call out the chains that grew down his arm to create his gauntlets. These gauntlets decrease his speed a lot, do to their size and weight, but increase his strength exponentially. With them, he also has a near impenetrable defense that few have ever gotten past. Phoenix Cannon: Sky does not like using this weapon unless there is no other choice. This large cannon absorbs magical energy from the area to charge until full, firing the energy as a single blast. It takes too long to charge fully, meaning he would have to have at least 1 other there to distract the enemy so he can charge. He can be used as a melee weapon, much like a club, but because of its large size and heavy weight, it is slow and barely does any damage this way. While using this weapon, Sky has no defense and very little movement. Using this weapon also leaves Sky extremely fatigued and with very little energy of any sort. Magic Level: A History: He was found in the rubble of a destroyed city by Solaris during his travels and raised on the road by him. During their travels, it was found he had the innate ability to summon and control weapons that represented his friends. He trained with a few guilds while Solaris did jobs he was unable to go with at the time until they found Phoenix Wing. He was about 3 years old the day he walked into Fairy Tail, seeing a few other kids running around and through the legs of the adults. One of the children was a girl with a toy pistol who immediately befriended him with a large smile. Since then, he's been training with various weapon-wielding members to learn different fighting styles for the various weapons he can summon. Personality: He's a bit of a smartass, almost everything gets on his nerves, the only one he feels he can truly trust is his oldest friend, Solaris. This makes it hard for anyone else to gain his trust. He's not a guy you want to piss off. He sees Solaris as a father and would do his best to protect him, even if he feels he doesn't need it. He likes to help the helpless, doing almost anything asked of him, though not always making the best choice. He's always looking for a different challenge to master, whether it be a new monster, a strange job or a raid of a guild that attacked them. Guild and guild mark location: Phoenix Wing (right shoulder, upper arm) Team Members: Solaris Three Strengths: 1. Analyze a battle 2. High pain tolerance 3. Cares for everyone (even if he doesn't show it) Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Smartass 2. Show-off 3. Temper Greatest Love: Fighting Motivation: Friends Appearance: Sky is an average height boy with toned muscles, amber eyes and medium length, spiky, silver hair. He wears black, baggy pants with 1 white and 1 red belts hanging loose to make an X over his hips, a black, sleeveless trench coat with red interior, a dragon amulet around his neck, black shoes with white designs, red laces and a bit of armor and, to finish off the ensemble, he has a knee guard on each knee. He usually has bandages wrapped around his waist and/or chest. When his hands aren't in his pockets, it can be seen that he wears red, fingerless grip gloves to hold onto his weapons better. Additional Details: